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'''Chapel''': On the shuttle, you moved the shields to save my life.<br />
'''Spock''': I... It was the logical choice. As a Vulcan, I had a higher likelihood of survival.<br />
'''Chapel''': Just logical, huh?<br />
'''Spock''': Christine, I feel many things. It's confusing.<br />
'''Chapel''': Yeah, I know. For me, too.<br />
'''Spock''': I have to tell you...<br />
'''Chapel''': Get back out there. You have people waiting.
'''Spock''': You refer to my human side as a handicap. Yet my mother is the most resilient, compassionate, tolerant person I have known. One who has been judged by Vulcans her entire life. And yet she stands by... For love, for family, for me. That is no handicap. That is true strength. And I am sorry that it has taken until now for me to speak these words to you.
'''Varal''': Miss Chapel. I am calling to let you know that we have chosen not to offer you a fellowship. You are welcome to apply again if you decide that is an appropriate use of your time.<br />
'''Chapel''': I went to interdimensional space today.<br />
'''Varal''': I do not see how that is relevant.<br />
'''Chapel''': I encountered a species that hasn't interacted with humans or Vulcans for centuries. I convinced them to help me with an ancient medical procedure.<br />
'''Varal''': What sort of medical procedure?<br />
'''Chapel''': You can read about it in my paper when it comes out later this year. I would consider applying again, but, you know, the truth is... I don't think your fellowship is ready for me.
'''Spock''': Mother, the memory you chose... The first time Vulcan children asked me to play with them... Why did you choose it?<br />
'''Amanda''': Because it was the first time I saw that you felt accepted.<br />
'''Spock''': Only, seeing it through your eyes, I realize now that you were not. You were shunned by Vulcan mothers.<br />
'''Amanda''': But you were happy, and their judgement was a sign of their own weakness, not ours.<br />
'''Spock''': And yet I see now what you gave up. What you chose to live through, as a human on Vulcan. I feel it. I have spent my entire life so focused on finding my path as a Vulcan, I failed to see your journey.<br />
'''Amanda''': It is not easy, being a human who loves a Vulcan.

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