Seventeen Seconds: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 31: Riga 31:

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
'''Beverly''': Two months before I left the Enterprise, do you remember our shore leave on Casperia Prime? The waterfalls? A perfect day on borrowed time. They called you back early. That's how it always was with us. There was always a clock. That day, maybe more than any other, because... we both knew we were at the end.<br />
'''Picard''': I didn't. I didn't know I would never see you again. That I would wonder for years what it was that I had done. ( scoffs ) Having no idea that it was really all about what you had done.<br />
'''Beverly''': We ended our relationship.<br />
'''Picard''': Our ''romantic'' relationship. For the... the ''fifth'' time.<br />
'''Beverly''': Well, I got pregnant that night.
'''Picard''': And you never thought... if you had told me, it all might have been different?<br />
'''Picard''': And you never thought... if you had told me, it all might have been different?<br />
Jean-Luc, when the galaxy comes calling for you, you are not put-upon by it, you love it. Don't tell me you would have walked away.<br />
'''Beverly''': Jean-Luc, when the galaxy comes calling for you, you are not put-upon by it, you love it. Don't tell me you would have walked away.<br />
Beverly, you made the choice for me. You don't get to condemn people before the fact.<br />
'''Picard''': Beverly, you made the choice for me. You don't get to condemn people before the fact.<br />
Over and over, you told me how you never wanted to have a family. That you could never be a father because you were too afraid you'd be like your own.<br />
'''Beverly''': Over and over, you told me how you never wanted to have a family. That you could never be a father because you were too afraid you'd be like your own.<br />
Don't take my past and use it to justify and rationalize your actions. How dare you take my confiding in you about my father... About my fears... And use it to cut me out of the biggest decision of my life. What could have been had I known? Hmm? What might I have been? A father? A husband? I know now I would never have been my father. But I could have learned that 20 years before.
'''Picard''': Don't take my past and use it to justify and rationalize your actions. How dare you take my confiding in you about my father... About my fears... And use it to cut me out of the biggest decision of my life. What could have been had I known? Hmm? What might I have been? A father? A husband? I know now I would never have been my father. But I could have learned that 20 years before.

'''Shaw''': You. You. You got us into this. You are gonna get us out. Computer, transfer command. Captain William Riker, pro tem. Authorization: Shaw-12-11-Bravo Delta.<br />
'''Shaw''': You. You. You got us into this. You are gonna get us out. Computer, transfer command. Captain William Riker, pro tem. Authorization: Shaw-12-11-Bravo Delta.<br />
Riga 41: Riga 47:

'''Picard''': Will, we cannot run any longer. We must engage and protect this ship.<br />
'''Picard''': Will, we cannot run any longer. We must engage and protect this ship.<br />
I am protecting this ship by avoiding its destruction.<br />
'''Riker''': I am protecting this ship by avoiding its destruction.<br />
I understand this instinct to be fearful of loss...<br />
'''Picard''': I understand this instinct to be fearful of loss...<br />
Fearful of loss? You are out of line.<br />
'''Riker''': Fearful of loss? You are out of line.<br />
We cannot allow it to make us weak.<br />
'''Picard''': We cannot allow it to make us weak.<br />
Sit down, Admiral.<br />
'''Riker''': Sit down, Admiral.<br />
Will, how many times must your strategy fail before you change it? It's not working!<br />
'''Picard''': Will, how many times must your strategy fail before you change it? It's not working!<br />
Sit down, Admiral. I'm the captain of this ship.
'''Riker''': Sit down, Admiral. I'm the captain of this ship.

'''T'Veen''': We're sinking, Captain, towards the gravity well.<br />
'''Sidney''': I have no control. We're heading right for it.<br />
'''Picard''': Will...<br />
'''Riker''': Remove yourself from the bridge. You've just killed us all.

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Continuity}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Continuity}} ===

Versione delle 12:35, 3 mar 2023

Ico-pic.SVGStagione 3 di Picard
Titolo italiano:Diciassette Secondi
Titolo tedesco:17 Sekunden
Posizione nella lista:3
Numero di produzione:303
Scritto da:
Regista:Jonathan Frakes
Data di pubblicazione originale: Paramount+
Data di pubblicazione in Italia: Amazon Prime Video
Anno della timeline:2401

Modifica i dati nella pagina della entità su DataTrek

Seventeen Seconds è un episodio della terza stagione di Star Trek: Picard.


Primo atto

Secondo atto

Terzo atto

Quarto atto


In questo episodio…

  • All'inizio dell'episodio vediamo un incontro fra Riker e Picard nel 2381, subito dopo la nascita di Thaddeus
  • Il capitano Shaw resta gravemente ferito durante una caduta e lascia il comando prima di essere portato in infermeria
  • William Riker assume il comando della Titan con Jean-Luc Picard come Primo Ufficiale. Picard verrà infine esautorato per aver convinto Riker a una manovra sconsiderata.
  • Veniamo a sapere di una fazione ribelle dei Mutaforma insoddisfatta della pace siglata alla fine della Guerra del Dominio. Che i mutaforma potessero essere gli antagonisti della stagione era una ipotesi già avanzata da alcuni fan[1]




  • Va bene mostrare che Beverly sia un eccezionale dottore, però la ufficiale medico capo della Titan fa la figura della incompetente completa, oltre a mostrare un antagonismo nei confronti di Crusher che p incomprensibile


Versione Italiana

  • Il titolo italiano è scritto con le prime lettere di entrambe le parole in maiuscolo: questa è la convenzione comune per i titoli in inglese, mentre in italiano di solito i titoli hanno solo la prima lettera maiuscola


Beverly: Two months before I left the Enterprise, do you remember our shore leave on Casperia Prime? The waterfalls? A perfect day on borrowed time. They called you back early. That's how it always was with us. There was always a clock. That day, maybe more than any other, because... we both knew we were at the end.
Picard: I didn't. I didn't know I would never see you again. That I would wonder for years what it was that I had done. ( scoffs ) Having no idea that it was really all about what you had done.
Beverly: We ended our relationship.
Picard: Our romantic relationship. For the... the fifth time.
Beverly: Well, I got pregnant that night.

Picard: And you never thought... if you had told me, it all might have been different?
Beverly: Jean-Luc, when the galaxy comes calling for you, you are not put-upon by it, you love it. Don't tell me you would have walked away.
Picard: Beverly, you made the choice for me. You don't get to condemn people before the fact.
Beverly: Over and over, you told me how you never wanted to have a family. That you could never be a father because you were too afraid you'd be like your own.
Picard: Don't take my past and use it to justify and rationalize your actions. How dare you take my confiding in you about my father... About my fears... And use it to cut me out of the biggest decision of my life. What could have been had I known? Hmm? What might I have been? A father? A husband? I know now I would never have been my father. But I could have learned that 20 years before.

Shaw: You. You. You got us into this. You are gonna get us out. Computer, transfer command. Captain William Riker, pro tem. Authorization: Shaw-12-11-Bravo Delta.
Computer: Command transfer authorized

Picard: Will, we cannot run any longer. We must engage and protect this ship.
Riker: I am protecting this ship by avoiding its destruction.
Picard: I understand this instinct to be fearful of loss...
Riker: Fearful of loss? You are out of line.
Picard: We cannot allow it to make us weak.
Riker: Sit down, Admiral.
Picard: Will, how many times must your strategy fail before you change it? It's not working!
Riker: Sit down, Admiral. I'm the captain of this ship.

T'Veen: We're sinking, Captain, towards the gravity well.
Sidney: I have no control. We're heading right for it.
Picard: Will...
Riker: Remove yourself from the bridge. You've just killed us all.




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