
Imposters: differenze tra le versioni

Da Wikitrek.
(20 versioni intermedie di 3 utenti non mostrate)
Riga 1: Riga 1:

== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Trama}} ==
== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Trama}} ==
Riga 13: Riga 13:
== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Sezioni}} ==
== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Sezioni}} ==
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=IQE}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=IQE}} ===
* Ritorna [[Ro Laren]] come ufficiale della [[Intelligence della Flotta Stellare]] dopo la sua ultima apparizione in [[Preemptive Strike]] nel [[Eventi 1994|1994]].
* A Picard e Riker viene formalmente notificata l'accusa di tradimento.
* Shaw invoca l'[[Ordine di Emergenza 762-Alpha]]: non è chiaro se sia specifico per una infiltrazione di [[Cambianti]] o una emergenza più generica.
* Debutta la [[USS Intrepid NCC-79520]], presentata da [[Dave Blass]] nei giorni precedenti alla messa in onda dell'episodio<ref>[ ''It joins a history of ships named Intrepid''], [[Dave Blass]] su Twitter</ref>.
* Debutta la [[Stazione Daystrom]] che avrà importanza nello svolgimento della stagione

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Note}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Note}} ===
* Le riparazioni della ''Titan'' vengono effettuate anche da robot simili ai [[DOT-7]] e ai [[DOT-23]], ragionevolmente una versione intermedia tra i due, per il momento senza nome.
* Lo shuttle della ''Intrepid'' si chiama "Gorkon", un ovvio riferimento al Cancelliere [[Gorkon]].
* Un po' strano il messaggio che Crusher invia a Picard. Per aumentare il ''pathos'' Picard viene a sapere che i "nuovi" [[Cambianti]] possono imitare gli organi e il sangue, proprio dopo aver visto [[Ro Laren]] farsi un taglio per dimostrare la propria identità. Tuttavia questo non dovrebbe essere una sorpresa nè per Crusher, nè a maggior ragione per Picard: poco prima Sette aveva spiegato come tutto l'equipaggio debba passare attraverso la "camera per immagini interne" (''internal imaging chamber'') — misura messa in atto dopo la [[Guerra del Dominio]] — quindi era chiaro a tutti che i [[Cambianti]] possono ora mimetizzarsi ancora meglio. Lo scopo della analisi di Crusher era approfondire per capire il "come".
* Considerato che [[Jack Crusher]] era già inviso all'equipaggio e che la sua foto segnaletica appare ovunque nei database della Flotta Stellare, sembra decisamente poco sensato sperare che diventi improvvisamente ''invisibile'' dandogli una uniforme della Flotta mentre va in giro per la nave come se nulla fosse.

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=47}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=47}} ===
* Il capitano Shaw invoca l'Ordine di Emergenza 7-6-2 Alpha (6 - 2 = 4).

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=YATI}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=YATI}} ===
* [[Beverly Crusher]] dice che i [[Cambianti]] tornano allo stato liquido quando muoiono, ma in [[The Adversary]] e [[The Ship]] abbiamo invece visto che il loro corpo si polverizza.

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Okudagram}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Okudagram}} ===
Riga 29: Riga 40:
'''Shaw''': I relieve you, sir.<br />
'''Shaw''': I relieve you, sir.<br />
'''Riker''': I stand relieved.<br />
'''Riker''': I stand relieved.<br />
'''Shaw''': So, now that that is sorted, I should tell you that I have already contacted Starfleet and... they're on their way. So, Commander, would you like to face said music stated or un-instated?<br />
'''Shaw''': So, now that that is sorted, I should tell you that I have already contacted Starfleet and… they're on their way. So, Commander, would you like to face said music stated or un-instated?<br />
'''Sette''': Stated.<br />
'''Sette''': Stated.<br />
'''Shaw''': I reinstate you. Oh, and, um, as a courtesy, because of the harrowing ordeal that we all survived together, I'm gonna step outside so the three of you can get your bullshit story straight.<br />
'''Shaw''': I reinstate you. Oh, and, um, as a courtesy, because of the harrowing ordeal that we all survived together, I'm gonna step outside so the three of you can get your bullshit story straight.<br />
'''Picard''': When Starfleet arrives, I'll bear the brunt of it.
'''Picard''': When Starfleet arrives, I'll bear the brunt of it.

'''Worf''':We seek information regarding your criminal activity. You will yield your weapons. I assure you, we have the upper hand.<br />
'''Picard''': You know, many a rebel from all reaches of the galaxy have found their way to Starfleet. Perhaps you might consider choosing a more honest vocation. Starfleet?<br />
Were you under the impression I would not recognize a mobile emitter? How disappointing.
'''Jack''': Me? For such a brilliant man, you haven't really been paying much attention, have you?
'''Raffi''': Can you not put holes into my floor every time you need to make a point?
'''Riker''': You know, we have saved the galaxy more than a few times.<br />
'''Picard''': And hopefully, they'll remember.<br />
'''Shaw''': Or they might remember that time that someone hot-dropped the saucer section of the Enterprise-D on a planet. Or that time that someone threw the Prime Directive out the window so they could snog a villager on Ba'ku. Or the time that you boys nearly wiped out all of Humanity by creating a time paradox in the Devron system. Basically, when it comes to rescues from danger, you two have a real chicken and egg thing happening.<br />
'''Picard''': Those were the days…
'''Worf''': We seek information regarding your criminal activity. You will yield your weapons. I assure you, we have the upper hand.<br />
'''Krinn''': Were you under the impression I would not recognize a mobile emitter? How disappointing.
'''Krinn''': There can be no utopia without crime. Ergo, an organized criminal enterprise is logical.

'''Crusher''': Given these findings, it's become clear how the subject managed to avoid detection until now. Somehow, this Changeling's been able to completely replicate internal human organs. Only under intense dissection does the tissue revert to its natural state...<br />
'''Crusher''': Given these findings, it's become clear how the subject managed to avoid detection until now. Somehow, this Changeling's been able to completely replicate internal human organs. Only under intense dissection does the tissue revert to its natural state...<br />
Is this a new species?<br />
'''Ohk''': Is this a new species?<br />
'''Crusher''': No. It's evolution. Which means they could be anywhere. Or... anyone. And we would never know.
'''Crusher''': No. It's evolution. Which means they could be anywhere. Or… anyone. And we would never know.

Klingons never disappoint.<br />
'''Worf''': Klingons never disappoint.<br />
'''Raffi''': How you doing, big guy? I hope I didn't go too deep.<br />
'''Raffi''': How you doing, big guy? I hope I didn't go too deep.<br />
I have lost a considerable amount of blood.<br />
'''Worf''': I have lost a considerable amount of blood.<br />
You were dead.<br />
'''Raffi''': You were dead.<br />
I have mastered the Kahless technique of regulating my heart rate to nearly impercep... ( grunts ) Let us skip to the interrogation. I am in desperate need of medical attention. Talk now.<br />
'''Worf''': I have mastered the Kahless technique of regulating my heart rate to nearly impercep… Let us skip to the interrogation. I am in desperate need of medical attention. Talk now.<br />
Reason suggests that you won't kill me because you need more information.<br />
'''Krinn''': Reason suggests that you won't kill me because you need more information.<br />
'''Raffi''': My friend is bleeding pretty badly. How much of his impatience have you factored in there?<br />
'''Raffi''': My friend is bleeding pretty badly. How much of his impatience have you factored in there?<br />
Daystrom Station is guarded by a highly sophisticated AI system. But it has flaws that are most... illogical. I brokered for a device that exploits the. Without it, no one can get in.<br />
'''Krinn''': Daystrom Station is guarded by a highly sophisticated AI system. But it has flaws that are most… illogical. I brokered for a device that exploits the. Without it, no one can get in.<br />
'''Raffi''': And you'll give us that device.<br />
'''Raffi''': And you'll give us that device.<br />
That... would be logical.
'''Krinn''': That… would be logical.

I'm sorry. I know what she meant to you.<br />
'''Riker''': I'm sorry. I know what she meant to you.<br />
No, Will. I don't think you do. I don't even think I did.
'''Picard''': No, Will. I don't think you do. I don't even think I did.

'''Crusher''': You're not okay. All of the stress, your father, attempts on your life... I need to know. Four. Remarkable odds. Tell me, Jack. How did you know they were all Changelings?<br />
'''Crusher''': You're not okay. All of the stress, your father, attempts on your life… I need to know. Four. Remarkable odds. Tell me, Jack. How did you know they were all Changelings?<br />
'''Jack''': I didn't. I think... there's something very wrong with me.
'''Jack''': I didn't. I think… there's something very wrong with me.

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Continuity}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Continuity}} ===
* La battuta di Shaw sui ''pericoli'' fa riferimento ai fatti accaduti in [[Star Trek Generations]], [[Star Trek: Insurrection]] e [[All Good Things... - Part II]].
* La dichiarazione di [[Krinn]] a proposito di una ''highly sophisticated AI system'' deve farci pensare a [[Controllo]]? O forse [[Lore]] o [[James Moriarty]] che sappiamo già fare parte della stagione? Scopriremo in [[The Bounty]] che si tratta di [[M-5-10]].
* A rafforzare di nuovo l'idea di una organizzazione criminale estesa e ben strutturata, come già notato in [[Disengage#Continuity|Disengage]] vediamo a schermo che i collaboratori di [[Krinn]] sono [[Larell]], [[Lurak T'Luco|T'Luco]], [[Morn]], [[Brunt]] e [[Thadiun Okona]].
* Tutto l'episodio ruota intorno alla dichiarazione dei fatti che i [[Cambiante|Cambianti]] sono generalmente in grado di riprodurre l'aspetto esteriore degli umanoidi che devono imitare, ma non la loro fisiologia interna (lo afferma [[William Riker|Riker]]), e che non sono in grado di simulare un sanguinamento in quanto il liquido perso tornerebbe allo stato gelatinoso (lo afferma [[Beverly Crusher|Crusher]]).<br/> Tuttavia in [[The Adversary]] era stato detto esplicitamente che il cambiante sostituente l'ambasciatore [[Krajensky]] veniva rilevato come [[Umani|umano]] dai sistemi della nave, mentre in [[The Way of the Warrior - Part I]] si vedeva il mutaforma che sostituisce [[Martok]] (anche se ne si sospetterà la sostituzione soltanto in [[Apocalypse Rising]], e se ne avrà la certezza non prima di [[By Inferno's Light]]) tagliarsi il palmo della mano e sanguinare normalmente.<br/> Sicuramente dopo il termine della [[Guerra del Dominio]] sono stati applicati protocolli più rigidi, come anche afferma espressamente [[Sette di Nove]], però la preoccupazione sarebbe piuttosto che avrebbero aggirato ''nuovamente'' meccanismi messi in atto per scoprirli, non che siano riusciti a farcela per la prima volta.

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Produzione}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Produzione}} ===

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