
Kur'leth: differenze tra le versioni

Da Wikitrek.
m (Lucamauri ha spostato la pagina Kur’leth a Kur'leth)
Riga 1: Riga 1:
== Descrizione ==
La descrizione di [[Dan Curry]] di una versione prelimare dell'arma<ref>[ ''Original Concept art by Dan Curry for Worf's new sword which would become the Kur'leth. #StarTrekPicard], [[Dave Blass]] su Twitter</ref>:
Revised Mek'Leth - Worf's Sword - DC vs 2
Hand Grip built into blade allows for two handed use
with elements of Bat'Leth in true Mok'Bara style. One hand on the
normal handle and the other hand in the opening in the blade makes
possible "cross checking" and using the point on the blade
By having a hand grip built into the blade constant
switching of grips is possible allowing for exciting
innovative fight sequences that are new and original
while allowing for traditional sword use as well.
Dan Curry, VES

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