
The Broken Circle: differenze tra le versioni

Da Wikitrek.
Riga 44: Riga 44:

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'''April''': After explicitly ordering you not to go, you risked hundreds of lives, and you risked peace in the quadrant.<br />
'''Spock''': If you could lower the volume of your voice, Admiral.<br />
'''April''': Oh, my God. Are you hungover, Spock?<br />
'''Spock''': The result of a peace treaty with the Klingon captain. After a successful mission.<br />
'''April''': You got lucky, and that could have just as easily gone the other way, with the Federation thrown into a brutal war with the Klingons.<br />
'''Spock''': I did what I believed was right, followed my gut, as you humans are so fond of saying, and I will accept whatever punishment Starfleet feels is just.<br />
'''April''': Consider that Klingon hangover your punishment. But next time… And there better not be a next time… It'll be your commission. Now, get Enterprise home.
'''Tafune''': You let Spock off easy.<br />
'''April''': He just kept us from potentially having to defend two fronts at the same time. Even if he doesn't know it. In any case, he's one of our best. And if this war happens… we're gonna need every good officer we've got.

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