The End is the Beginning: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 163: Riga 163:
'''Hugh''': There is no more despised people in the galaxy than the xBs. People either see us as property to be exploited, or as a hazard to be warehoused. Our hosts, the Romulans have a far more expansive vision. They see us as both.
'''Hugh''': There is no more despised people in the galaxy than the xBs. People either see us as property to be exploited, or as a hazard to be warehoused. Our hosts, the Romulans have a far more expansive vision. They see us as both.

'''Ologramma di Emergenza Navigazione'': So, are we excited? Intimidated? Maybe a teensy bit starstruck? Jean-Luc Picard: Chief contact with the Q Continuum. Arbiter of Succession for the Klingon Empire. Savior of Earth from Borg invasion. Captain of the Enterprises -D and -E. The man even worked alongside the great Spock.
'''Ologramma di Emergenza Navigazione''': So, are we excited? Intimidated? Maybe a teensy bit starstruck? Jean-Luc Picard: Chief contact with the Q Continuum. Arbiter of Succession for the Klingon Empire. Savior of Earth from Borg invasion. Captain of the Enterprises -D and -E. The man even worked alongside the great Spock.

'''Picard''': I tried my best to belong to this place, but I don't think I ever truly felt at home here.
'''Picard''': I tried my best to belong to this place, but I don't think I ever truly felt at home here.