Stargate SG-1: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Stargate SG-1''}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Stargate SG-1''}}
In [ The Other Guys] appare tra i protagonisti anche uno spassosissimo [[John Billingsley|John Billingsley]] nel ruolo del Dottor Coombs e ci sono due passaggi con riferimenti Trek.
In [ The Other Guys] appare tra i protagonisti anche uno spassosissimo [[John Billingsley|John Billingsley]] nel ruolo del Dottor Coombs e ci sono due passaggi con riferimenti Trek.

<b>Dr. Fleger</b>:<br />What? There's something going on out there.<br /><b>Dr. Coombs</b>:<br />Oh, please They're just tired of your butt-snorkelling. «Tell me how you finally defeated Apophis.» <br />«Major Carter, l based my thesis on your amazing wormhole theories.»<br /><b>Dr. Fleger</b>:<br />Bite me, Coombs. At least my heroes exist.<br />lf this was a Trek convention, you'd be dressed like a Klingon.<br /><b>Dr. Coombs</b>:<br />Vulcan, Felger<br /><b>Dr. Fleger</b>:<br />How can you be a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry? «How do we get out of this? The tachyon emitter?» [T:05:47]
<b>Dr. Fleger</b>:<br />What? There's something going on out there.<br /><b>Dr. Coombs</b>:<br />Oh, please They're just tired of your butt-snorkelling. «Tell me how you finally defeated Apophis.» <br />«Major Carter, l based my thesis on your amazing wormhole theories.»<br /><b>Dr. Fleger</b>:<br />Bite me, Coombs. At least my heroes exist.<br />lf this was a Trek convention, you'd be dressed like a Klingon.<br /><b>Dr. Coombs</b>:<br />Vulcan, Felger<br /><b>Dr. Fleger</b>:<br />How can you be a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry? «How do we get out of this? The tachyon emitter?» [T:05:47]
Riga 6: Riga 6:
<b>Dr. Fleger</b>: You are not going to die, Coombs.<br /><b>Dr. Coombs</b>: Come on, Felger. We might as well be wearing red shirts! [T:21:17]
<b>Dr. Fleger</b>: You are not going to die, Coombs.<br /><b>Dr. Coombs</b>: Come on, Felger. We might as well be wearing red shirts! [T:21:17]

In [ Unnatural Selection] ci sono molti riferimenti diretti e indiretti a Star Trek, il più evidente è in questo dialogo in cui si discute in merito al nome da dare ad un'astronave statunitense appena varata.
In [ Unnatural Selection] ci sono molti riferimenti diretti e indiretti a Star Trek, il più evidente è in questo dialogo in cui si discute in merito al nome da dare ad un'astronave statunitense appena varata.

<b>O'Neil</b>: They didn't go for it.<br /><b>Carter</b>: They didn't approve the mission?<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: No, they did that. Once they knew the stakes whole fate-of-the-universe stuff,<br />the president and Hammond realised we had no choice.<br />He sends good luck, godspeed, and all those things he says when he thinks we're <br />gonna die...<br /><b>Carter</b>: So what didn't they go for?<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: The name l suggested.<br /><b>Carter</b>: For the ship.<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: Yeah.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Yeah, Sir, we can't call it the <i>Enterprise</i>.<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: Why not?<br /><b>Carter</b>: The project code name is Prometheus. What about that?<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: lt's a Greek tragedy. Who wants that?<br /><b>Carter</b>: OK, the X-303 it is, then.<br />[T:09:14]
<b>O'Neil</b>: They didn't go for it.<br /><b>Carter</b>: They didn't approve the mission?<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: No, they did that. Once they knew the stakes whole fate-of-the-universe stuff,<br />the president and Hammond realised we had no choice.<br />He sends good luck, godspeed, and all those things he says when he thinks we're <br />gonna die...<br /><b>Carter</b>: So what didn't they go for?<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: The name l suggested.<br /><b>Carter</b>: For the ship.<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: Yeah.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Yeah, Sir, we can't call it the <i>Enterprise</i>.<br /><b>O'Neil</b>: Why not?<br /><b>Carter</b>: The project code name is Prometheus. What about that?<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: lt's a Greek tragedy. Who wants that?<br /><b>Carter</b>: OK, the X-303 it is, then.<br />[T:09:14]

In [ 1969] c'è un altro riferimento a Star Trek.
In [ 1969] c'è un altro riferimento a Star Trek.

<b>Thornbird</b>: I'm Major Robert Thornbird. And you are...?<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Captain James T. Kirk, of the Starship <i>Enterprise</i>.<br /><b>Robert Thornbird</b>: Eh, your dog tags say otherwise.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: They're lying! Ooh. All <br />right. I'll be honest with you, Bob. My name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke <br />Skywalker.
<b>Thornbird</b>: I'm Major Robert Thornbird. And you are...?<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Captain James T. Kirk, of the Starship <i>Enterprise</i>.<br /><b>Robert Thornbird</b>: Eh, your dog tags say otherwise.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: They're lying! Ooh. All <br />right. I'll be honest with you, Bob. My name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke <br />Skywalker.

In [ Redemption (Part I)] O'Neil e Carter stanno per partire con un nuovo prototipo di navetta e fanno i controlli di routine.
In [ Redemption (Part I)] O'Neil e Carter stanno per partire con un nuovo prototipo di navetta e fanno i controlli di routine.

<b>Carter</b>: Navigation.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Check.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Oxygen pressure. Temperature control.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: All check.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Inertial dampeners.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Cool. And check.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Engines.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: All check... Phasers?<br /><b>Carter</b>: Sorry, sir... All systems operational. [T:33:08]
<b>Carter</b>: Navigation.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Check.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Oxygen pressure. Temperature control.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: All check.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Inertial dampeners.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Cool. And check.<br /><b>Carter</b>: Engines.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: All check... Phasers?<br /><b>Carter</b>: Sorry, sir... All systems operational. [T:33:08]

In [ Avenger 2.0].<br />
In [ Avenger 2.0].<br />

<b>Carter</b>: It's an energy-based weapon, sir. It could perhaps replace the missiles on the X-303.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Phaser?<br /><b>Chloe</b>: More like a photon torpedo.[T:02:28]
<b>Carter</b>: It's an energy-based weapon, sir. It could perhaps replace the missiles on the X-303.<br /><b>O'Neill</b>: Phaser?<br /><b>Chloe</b>: More like a photon torpedo.[T:02:28]

In [ Babylon]:
In [ Babylon]:

<b>Guerriero Sodan</b>: The elixir was most effective. They believe you are dead.<br /><b>Mitchell</b>: Well done, Bones... Never mind.
<b>Guerriero Sodan</b>: The elixir was most effective. They believe you are dead.<br /><b>Mitchell</b>: Well done, Bones... Never mind.
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