Watcher: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 55: Riga 55:

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'''Jurati''': So Chateau Picard is abandoned in this era.<br />
'''Picard''': Nearly a century at this point. During the Second World War, when the Nazis occupied France, they used this house as a base of operations. My ancestors only survived by hiding in the tunnels below.<br />
'''Jurati''': Where'd they go?<br />
'''Picard''': England. But the chateau remained in the family. Although there were various caretakers keeping it up. It'll be generations before the Picards reside here again.
'''Picard''':  Agnes, I think that your marvelous mind is trying to tell us something.<br />
'''Jurati''':  Look at you, Dixon Hill. 15.15. It must be the other piece of information I took from the Borg Queen's mind.<br />
<!--'''Picard''': The last thing you said before I disconnected you… when is the timeline changing? 15 hours? That's too nonspecific. A date then. Did the ship's chronometer ever show precisely when we landed? The 12th of April, 2024. Which, if we're right, would mean... We have three days before the future is changed irrevocably. -->

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