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=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
'''Freeman''': What do we know about the Ornarans?<br />
'''Ransom''': They were ravaged by a plague, the cure for which was a plant called felicium, which only grew on their sister planet, Brekka. The Brekkians exploited access to the drսg and got the Ornarans hooked on it, even after the plague was cured.<br />
'''Freeman''': Some sister. What did Picard have to say about it?<br />
'''Ransom''': By the time the Enterprise got there, Ornara was in shambles due to their addiction. Picard severed communication between the planets and, uh… well, let's see… Oh, uh, then he left.<br />
'''Freeman''':  He left?<br />
'''Ransom''': Yeah, that's, uh… Whew, that's how it went down.<br />
'''Freeman''':  Seriously? So now it's our job to check in on an entire planet that Picard left cold turkey?
'''Freeman''': I am Captain Carol Freeman of the USS Cerritos. I know that your people's first contact with the Federation had its difficulties, but we're here t…<br />
'''B'nir''': What? Oh. You're worried that things got bad when Picard cut us off from the felicium.<br />
'''Freeman''': Well, uh... did they?<br />
'''B'nir''': No. Picard was absolutely right. It was the best thing that ever happened to us. Look. We even made a mural. See, there's the Enterprise leaving us with no drսg, and here's all of us freaking out. We were in a bit of a bad place for the first, oh, ten, 14 years, but we figured it out.
'''Buenamigo''': Ah. Carol. How's the mission going?<br />
'''Freeman''': There is no mission. The Ornarans don't need us.<br />
'''Buenamigo''': That can't be right. Make them show you their government, just in case it's secretly run by kids or somebody pretending to be the devil…<br />
'''Freeman''': There's nothing funky here, Les. Picard knew what he was doing.<br />
'''Buenamigo''': Damn it. We need something or the entire program could be in jeopardy.<br />
'''Freeman''': We could go back to Beta III. There's a pretty good chance they've fallen for Landru again.
