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Riga 44: Riga 44:

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
'''Stamets'': Think I'd rather that my legacy hadn't been destroyed along with Book's ship. I would have figured out the navigator problem someday, and then we could've rolled it out to the whole fleet. And who knows if I'll ever do anything that meaningful again.<br />
'''Stamets''': Think I'd rather that my legacy hadn't been destroyed along with Book's ship. I would have figured out the navigator problem someday, and then we could've rolled it out to the whole fleet. And who knows if I'll ever do anything that meaningful again.<br />
'''Culber''': You will.<br />
'''Culber''': You will.<br />
'''Burnham''': It's a new world, Paul, and you will find new purpose. We all will. To change.
'''Burnham''': It's a new world, Paul, and you will find new purpose. We all will. To change.
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