Children of the Comet: differenze tra le versioni

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=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
'''Uhura''': Guess I kind of blew it in there, huh?<br />
'''Spock''': Not at all, Cadet. The captain values honesty, as do I.<br />
'''Uhura''': But...?<br />
'''Spock''': But I would say to you that Starfleet has been a lifelong dream for many, myself included. If it is not your path, you might consider making way for someone else who wants to walk it.
'''Pike''': Anyone want to tell me how a comet puts up a force field?
'''Pike''': The Federation doesn't interfere in the development of species, but we also don't just let them die.
'''Pike''': The Federation doesn't interfere in the development of species, but we also don't just let them die.

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