
Penance: differenze tra le versioni

Da Wikitrek.
Riga 74: Riga 74:
'''Q''': Show them a world of their own making and they ask you what you've done. So human of you.<br />
'''Q''': Show them a world of their own making and they ask you what you've done. So human of you.<br />
'''Picard''': Q, have you had enough of playing games with other people's lives? I am no longer your pawn.<br />
'''Picard''': Q, have you had enough of playing games with other people's lives? I am no longer your pawn.<br />
'''Q''': Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc. You are more than just a piece. Why, you're the very board upon which this game is played
'''Q''': Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc. You are more than just a piece. Why, you're the very board upon which this game is played.

'''Q''': Do you like the skies here? In your history, humanity discovered a way to spare the planet they were in the process of murdering. Here they just… keep the corpse on life-support.
'''Q''': Do you like the skies here? In your history, humanity discovered a way to spare the planet they were in the process of murdering. Here they just… keep the corpse on life-support.
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