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Da Wikitrek.
EpisodioData stellareData stellareAnno della timelineAnno della timeline
Court Martial2947.3Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
The Menagerie3012.4Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
Catspaw3018.2Timeline 2267
Shore Leave3025.3
The Alternative Factor3087.6Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
Tomorrow is Yesterday3113.2
The City on the Edge of Forever3134.0Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
Space Seed3141.9
The Return of the Archons3156.2Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
Memento Mori3177.3
Timeline 2259
The Practical Joker3183.3
A Taste of Armageddon3192.1Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
The Devil in the Dark3196.1
Errand of Mercy3198.4
The Gamesters of Triskelion3211.7
Operation: Annihilate!3287.2
Amok Time3372.7Timeline 2267
This Side of Paradise3417.3Timeline 2267, Timeline 2266
Who Mourns for Adonais?3468.1
The Deadly Years3478.2
Friday's Child3497.2
The Changeling3541.9Timeline 2267
Wolf in the Fold3614.9
Obsession3619.2Timeline 2267
The Apple3715.3
Journey to Babel3842.3
Bread and Circuses4040.7
Encounter at Farpoint41153.7
All Good Things... - Part I47988.1
The Naked Now41209.2Timeline 2364
Code of Honor41235.25
Lonely Among Us41249.3Timeline 2364
Where No One Has Gone Before41263.1
Too Short A Season41309.5
1100100141365.9Timeline 2364
The Last Outpost41386.4Timeline 2364
Coming of Age41416.2Timeline 2364
Home Soil41463.9Timeline 2364
Heart of Glory41503.7Timeline 2364
When the Bough Breaks41509.1
Hide And Q41590.5
Skin of Evil41601.3
Angel One41636.9Timeline 2364
We'll Always Have Paris41697.9Timeline 2364
The Battle41723.9