Statistical Probabilities: differenze tra le versioni

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Versione delle 13:49, 24 gen 2024

Menu-dsn.pngStagione 6 di Deep Space Nine
Numero di produzione: 533
Première americana: {{{EpisodiData USA}}}
Première italiana: {{{EpisodiData ITA}}}
Sequenza di trasmissione: 133
Prima TV USA: {{{EpisodiUSA}}}
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: 22.11.1997
Prima TV su NBC: {{{EpisodiNBC}}}
Prima TV su UPN: {{{EpisodiUPN}}}
Prima TV su Italia Uno: {{{EpisodiI1}}}
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: 24.12.2001
Prima TV su Amazon Prime Video: {{{EpisodiAmazon}}}
Prima TV su La 7: {{{EpisodiL7}}}
Prima trasmissione sulla RAI: {{{EpisodiRAI}}}
Prima trasmissione su Tele Venezia: {{{EpisodiTLV}}}
Prima TV su Telemontecarlo: {{{EpisodiTMC}}}
Prima TV su CBS All Access: {{{EpisodiCBSAll}}}
Prima TV su Netflix: {{{EpisodiNetflix}}}
Sequenza di trasmissione su Rete Quattro: {{{EpisodiR4}}}
Codice del The Next Generation Companion: {{{EpisodiCOD}}}
DVD europeo in cui è presente l'episodio: {{{EpisodiDVD}}}
VHS britannica dell'episodio: 6.5 (PG)
Storia: Pam Pietroforte
Sceneggiatura: René Echevarria
Screenplay: {{{EpisodiScreenplay}}}
Regia: Anson Williams
Musica: {{{EpisodiMUS}}}
Produttore: {{{EpisodiProduttore}}}
Coproduttore: {{{EpisodiCoproduttore}}}
Produttore esecutivo: {{{EpisodiProd.Exec.}}}
Produttore associato: {{{EpisodiProd.Assoc.}}}
Consulente esecutivo: {{{EpisodiCons.Exec.}}}
Costo di produzione: {{{EpisodiCosto}}}
Incassi al botteghino: {{{EpisodiIncassi}}}
Durata: {{{EpisodiDurata}}}
Titolo nella collana La pista delle stelle: {{{EpisodiPST}}}
Titolo italiano: Probabilità statistiche
Titolo italiano scelto da Telemontecarlo: {{{EpisodiIT (TMC)}}}
Titolo spagnolo: {{{EpisodiES}}}
Titolo francese: Probabilités et statistiques
Titolo tedesco: Statistische Wahrscheinlichkeiten
Titolo giapponese: {{{EpisodiJP}}}
Titolo portoghese: {{{EpisodiPT}}}
Titolo brasiliano: Probabilidades Estatísticas
Titolo afrikaans (Sudafrica): {{{EpisodiZA (af)}}}
Titolo zulu (Sudafrica): {{{EpisodiZA (zu)}}}
Sonoro: {{{EpisodiSonoro}}}
Effetti speciali: {{{EpisodiSFX}}}
Rating americano: {{{EpisodiRating USA}}}
Titolo nell'edizione italiana in DVD: {{{EpisodiDVDITA}}}
Titolo provvisorio: {{{EpisodiPRO}}}
Titolo italiano proposto dallo STIC: {{{EpisodiSTIC}}}
Data delle versioni dello script: 26.09.1997
Data delle riprese: {{{EpisodiRIP}}}
Anno della timeline: {{{EpisodiTimeline}}}

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Statistical Probabilities è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.


Data Stellare Sconosciuta: Ora che il passato di Bashir è stato rivelato, gli viene richiesto di lavorare con un gruppo di persone che, come lui, hanno subito interventi genetici.

Bashir si trova quindi con alcune persone che, differentemente da lui, sono rimaste nell'istituto dove ha subito l'intervento, ognuna delle quali presenta una caratteristica predominante: Jack (aggressivo), Lauren (sensuale), Patrick (frivolo), e Sarina (timida).

Si spera che Bashir possa aiutare queste persone ad inserirsi normalmente nella società.



  • Ron Moore ha soprannominato il gruppo di persone modificate geneticamente Jack Pack.


  • Bashir mostra a Sisko un PADD intitolato «Analysis Mode - 47».
  • Sul PADD con la scheda di Bashir che ha in mano Lauren c'è il numero 4774.


  • Probabilmente i mutanti sono la cosa più simile agli dei, tuttavia nessuno di loro conosce la Teoria del Caos: come mai ci mettono giorni a scoprire che ogni piccolo imprevisto inficia la più grande e precisa delle loro previsioni? E come mai a nessun altro su Deep Space Nine o al Comando della Flotta viene in mente questa obiezione?

Versione italiana

  • Nei sottotitoli di Canal Jimmy Sarina viene chiamata Serena.


Weyoun: Odo...
Odo: Yes, I know, I honor you with my presence!

Sisko: Surrender is not an option. I'm happy to hear your group's advice on how to win this war... I don't need advice on how to lose it.

Bashir: We're not gods.
Jack: Maybe not, but we're the next best thing.

Sisko: I don't care if odds are against us. If we're going to lose, then we're going to go down fighting, so that when our descendants someday rise up against the Dominion, they'll know what they're made of.

Scene tagliate

  • Ecco com'era stata pensata la scena in cui Bashir chiede a Sarina di essere liberato dalle corde. La prima e le ultime due battute di Bashir, con piccole variazioni, sono quelle dette nell'episodio.
   Untie me. Please.
    (no response)

 She says nothing. Frustrated, Bashir struggles to free
 himself. After a few beats, he's surprised to hear a
 small, tremulous voice --

   I'm sorry.

 Bashir reacts to the first words he's ever heard her
 speak, realizing that she must be conflicted if she's
 driven to utter them.

 She has to pull herself up from the deep well she's
 lived in for so many years -- she doesn't know how to
 say what she feels, she doesn't even know what she

   I can't untie you.

   Yes, you can. If you think it's
   the right thing to do.

    (at a loss)
   I don't know...

   I think you do. I think that's
   why you spoke to me just now. You
   could've stayed quiet, but you
   didn't. And the only reason I can
   think of is that you don't want to
   have the deaths of so many people
   on your hands.

   Jack would be mad.

 Bashir realizes something about her that he's been
 sensing all along -- seeing an opening, he eases his
 way toward it.

   Yes, he would. And I know you
   don't want that to happen.

 Bashir sees something flicker across her features, and
 he knows what he's thinking is true --

   I've seen the way you look at him
   when you think no one is watching.
   I know how much you care about

 Sarina looks down, trying to shut out his words.
 Emotion is so alien to her that it's painful for her to
 feel so exposed.

   Sarina, if you don't let me stop
   them, they're going to be arrested
   and charged with treason. Do you
   know what that means? You'll
   never see any of them again.
   You'll never see Jack again.

 She looks up, stricken by this thought. Bashir holds
 her gaze, says nothing more. He knows he has to let
 her sit with this for a moment and decide what she
 wants to do. Off Sarina's face as we wonder what
 she'll do...


  • Questa è l'estrapolazione dallo script dell'intero discorso di Damar: "Fellow citizens, these are great days for Cardassia. Together with our Dominion allies, we have given our enemies cause to fear us once more. The war with the Federation accomplished our goals. Cardassia is strong again, an empire We are safe behind secure borders, and no one will ever dare attack us again. From this position of strength, we are poised to take another bold step that will insure our future. [pausa d'effetto] Peace. [pausa lunga] It is time to bring an end to this war with the Federation. It is time for us to rebuild on the foundation of strength we have laid. [pausa] The sons of Cardassia shed their blood to defend their home. Their sacrifice must not be in vain. The peace we seek will honor their memory, and preserve the gains for which they gave their lives. [pausa] Today I challenge the Federation to answer my call for peace. I'm ready at any time to meet with its representatives to discuss how we can bring an end to hostilities. As your leader, I pledge that I will do everything in my power to protect Cardassia and allow us to move forward into a new era. [pausa] This I vow with my life's blood. For my sons... For all our sons."
  • Quando era stato trasmesso per la prima volta questo l'episodio era circolato un brano dello script su Internet:
               Together with our Dominion allies, we
               have given our enemies cause to fear us
               once more.

               Can't argue with that.

In the background, Lauren gets up and moves so she can see the
screen.  For some reason, she too is intrigued by Damar's speech.

                         (filtered, continuing)
               The war with the Federation accomplished
               our goals.

Now Jack emerges from his room to get a closer look, as if drawn by
the sound of Damar's voice.

               Who is he?

               Damar -- the new head of the Cardassian

               We are safe behind secure borders, and
               no one will dare attack us again.

                         (with sympathy)
               Whoever he is, he's sad.

               Ashamed is more like it.

Bashir's never seen the group focus on anything before, and it
intrigues him.

               The time has come for us to take another
               bold step that will ensure our future.

Damar lets this hang in the air for a beat. Bashir and O'Brien
exchange looks -- this is better than a declaration of redoubled
hostilities, but they're not ready to take Damar at face value.

               Looks like he hasn't slept in days.

               Me thought I heard a voice cry "Sleep
               No More! Damar does murder sleep!"


Bashir stops O'Brien before he says any more -- we see that the
Doctor wants to hear what they have to say.

               It is time to bring an end to this war
               with the Federation.

               He killed someone.

               Someone close to him.

Bashir and O'Brien don't know what to make of their comments.

               It is time for us to rebuild on the
               foundation of strength we have laid.

                         (Pointing at Damar)
               Pretender! He doesn't belong to the
               throne and he knows it!

               Today I challenge the Federation to
               answer my call for peace.

               He's caught up in something he can't

               I'm ready at any time to meet with its
               representitives to discuss how we can
               bring an end to hostilities.

               Someone's making him say all this.
               Someone he hates almost as much as he

               I pledge that I will do everything in
               my power to protect Cardassia and allow
               us to move forward into a new era.
               This I vow with my life's blood. For my
               sons... For all our sons.

And with that, the transmission ENDS and the screen returns to the
Cardassian emblem.

               Not bad, not bad at all. It's epic,
               really. The Pretender who kills the
               King and seizes the throne.

               Not the King, he's still alive.

               Right. That explains the guilt.

               The Queen maybe?
                         (even better)
               Or a Princess?

               Yes... Yes! And now the Pretender finds
               himself in a league with... a Dark
               Knight he can't control.

Bashir and O'Brien turn and look at each other, wondering how these
three could have gleaned all this from Damar's speech. Off their
puzzled features...




where an excited Bashir is telling Dax and Kira what happened.
O'Brien looks from his console.

               It was amazing. They pieced together the
               entire story of how Damar came to power
               just by watching his speech.

               Are you sure you're not reading to much
               into it?

               Don't you see? Weyoun is the Dark Knight,
               Gul Dukat is the deposed King, Damar is
               the Pretender to the throne, and Ziyal
               is the innocent princess he murdered.
               Now the Pretender is wracked with guilt
               over what he did, but he can't turn his

               It pretty much hangs together.

               You were there, Chief. You saw what

               It was weird, I have to admit.

               To them it was like some sort of
               Shakespearean tragedy. They were
               fascinated by the whole thing.  They
               started bombarding me with questions
               about Cardassia and the war. I've never
               seen them so engaged.

               And you're going to try to keep them

               I don't know if I can; I'm running out
               of material.

               What do you mean?

               They've already gone through everything
               the library has on Cardassia and the

Sisko ENTERS his office -- something's on his mind and he can't
figure out how he feels about it.

               Roll out the red carpet.

               Visitors, sir?

                         (crossing down)
               Starfleet has agreed to enter into peace
               negotiations with the Dominion. Damar and
               Weyoun will be arriving in the morning.
               I'm the lucky one who gets to sit across
               the table and try to keep from throttling

               That's great.

Sisko shoots him a look --

               I don't know. It's hard to believe the
               Dominion really wants peace.

               I wouldn't be surprised if they were
               just stalling for time.

               Maybe. I guess we'll find out.

               Sir, is there any way I can get a
               transcript of the negotiations?

               You can do better than that.

Bashir is skeptical.

               The Dominion is insisting that the
               proceedings be holo-recorded so that
               everyone can see their desire for peace
               is sincere.


               And with that, Bashir turns and heads
               for the door. Sisko watches him go,
               wondering what that was all about.

               Look on the bright side, Benjamin. If
               you hurt somebody, everyone will be able
               to see what made you snap.

Off Sisko's face as he considers this...
  • Lo stesso brano riportato dal Companion:
   Together with our Dominion allies,
   we have given our enemies cause to
   fear us once more.

   Can't argue with that.

 In the background, Lauren gets up and moves so she can
 see the screen. For some reason, she too is intrigued
 by Damar's speech.

 Jack emerges from his room to get a closer look, as if
 drawn by the sound of Damar's voice. Even Sarina is

  LAUREN                                 DAMAR
 Who's he?                              (in background)
                                  The war with the
  BASHIR                          Federation accomplished
 Damar -- the new head of         our goals. Cardassia is
 the Cardassian government.       strong again, an empire
                                  to be feared. We are
  JACK                            safe behind secure
 "Uneasy lies the head            borders, and no one will
 that wears the crown."           ever dare attack us again.

 Bashir has never seen the group focus on anything
 before, and it intrigues him.

  PATRICK                                 DAMAR
    (with sympathy)               From this position of
 He's sad.                        strength, we are poised
                                  to take another bold step
  LAUREN                          that will insure our
 Ashamed is more like it.         future.
                                      (dramatic pause)

 While O'Brien listens to the speech, Bashir looks
 around at the group. He's not quite sure what to make
 of their comments.

  BASHIR                              (a long beat)
    (to Lauren)
 Why do you say that?

  O'BRIEN                                 DAMAR
    (to Bashir)                   It is time to bring an
 Shhh.                            end to this war with the
                                  Federation. It is time
  LAUREN                          for us to rebuild on the
 He looks like a man who          foundation of strength
 doesn't sleep.                   we have laid.
  JACK                            The sons of Cardassia
 "Methought I heard a             shed their blood to
 voice cry, 'Sleep no             defend their home. Their
 more! Damar does murder          sacrifice must not be in
 sleep!'"                         vain.

  PATRICK                                 DAMAR
    (realizing)                   The peace we seek will
 He killed someone.               honor their memory, and
                                  preserve the gains for
  LAUREN                          which they gave their
    (agreeing)                    lives.
 Someone close to him.                 (beat)

 Bashir and O'Brien exchange a look. They can't
 understand how Jack and the others are seeing all these

  O'BRIEN                                 DAMAR
  (to Bashir)                     Today I challenge the
 How could they know that?        Federation to answer my
                                  call for peace. I'm
  JACK                            ready at any time to meet
    (pointing at Damar)           with its representatives
 Pretender! You don't             to discuss how we can
 belong on that throne and        bring an end to
 you know it.                     hostilities. As your
                                  leader, I pledge that I
  PATRICK                         will do everything in my
 Someone's making him say         power to protect
 all this. He doesn't             Cardassia and allow us
 want to.                         to move forward into a
                                  new era.
                                  This I vow with my life's blood.

 And with that, the transmission ENDS and the screen
 returns to the Cardassian emblem. Bashir looks at the
 group trying to understand what's happened.

   Did any of you know who Damar was
   before today?

   No, but it's obvious who he is.
   The Pretender who killed the king
   and seized the throne.

   Not the king, he's still alive.

   The queen maybe?
    (even better)
   Or a princess.

   Yes. Gul Dukat's daughter. Her
   name was Ziyal.

   And now the Pretender finds
   himself in league with a... a Dark
   Knight he can't control.

    (to Bashir)

 Bashir and O'Brien look at each other, wondering how
 the hell these three could have gleaned all this from
 Damar's speech.

   Not a bad story. It's epic
    (to Bashir)
   What else can you tell us?

 Off this moment...


20   INT. OPS

 where an excited Bashir is telling Dax and Kira what

   It was amazing. They pieced
   together the entire story of how
   Damar came to power. Don't you
   Weyoun is the Dark Knight, Gul
   Dukat is the deposed King, Damar
   is the Pretender to the throne,
   and Ziyal is the innocent Princess
   he murdered. Now the Pretender is
   wracked with guilt over what he

   And they got all that just from
   watching Damar's speech?

   They were fascinated by the whole
   thing, started bombarding me with
   questions about Cardassia and the
   war. I've never seen them so

   And you want to keep them engaged?
   I'm going to try, but I'm running
   out of material.

   What do you mean?

   They've already gone through
   everything the computer has on
   Cardassia and the Dominion.

 Sisko ENTERS from his office -- something's on his mind
 and he can't figure out how he feels about it.

   Roll out the red carpet.


    (crossing down)
   Starfleet has agreed to listen to
   what Damar has to say. He and
   Weyoun will be arriving in the
   I'm the lucky one who gets to sit
   across the table from them.

   This is great.

 Sisko shoots him a look --

   It's hard to believe the Dominion
   really wants peace. I wouldn't be
   surprised if they were just
   stalling for time in order to

   Sir, is there any way I can get a
   transcript of the negotiations?

   You can do better than that.
   The Dominion insisted on recording
   the proceedings so everyone can
   see that their desire for peace is


 And with that, Bashir turns and heads for the door.
 Sisko watches him go, wondering what that was all

   You shouldn't've agreed to that,
    (off his look)
   Now you're going to have to be on
   your best behavior.

 Off Sisko's face as he considers this...



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