Supernova, Part 1: differenze tra le versioni

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=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Citazioni}} ===
'''Gwyn''': And they've lost control of their ships. And it won't stop until Starfleet destroys themselves. I am requesting your aid in our immediate assistance and help relaying this message to all our non-Federation allies. We beg you. Your transports, your freights, your shields… Anything that will slow the attack Starfleet is inflicting upon itself.<br />
'''Trij''': And why should I help?<br />
'''Gwyn''': Because in the infinite of space, everyone needs to know there is a place out there willing to accept us all, no matter how different we think we are. Without Starfleet, the Federation crumbles. And that dream dies with it. If they've ever helped you as they've helped us, then hear my words. Allies, civilians, outsiders, anyone, Starfleet needs you now…
'''Gwyn''': There aren't enough allies in the sector to stop what's coming. ♪ ♪ There's nothing we can do. We can't warp away. We can't stop the signal. It's annihilation.

=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Produzione}} ===
=== {{Etichetta|Tipo=Produzione}} ===

Versione delle 19:59, 25 dic 2022

Ico-PRO.SVGStagione 1 di Prodigy
Titolo italiano:Supernova, parte I
Numero di produzione:PRO119
Data di pubblicazione originale: Paramount+
Data di pubblicazione in Italia: Paramount+
Scritto da:Erin McNamara
Regista:Andrew Schmidt
Anno della timeline:2384
Posizione nella lista:19
Personaggi e interpreti DT
Attori ospiti
< PrecedenteSuccessivo >
Scambio mentale Supernova, parte II

Modifica i dati nella pagina della entità su DataTrek

Supernova, Part 1 è un episodio della prima stagione di Star Trek: Prodigy.

Accerchiati da una flottiglia di Navi Stellari, i membri dell'equipaggio della Protostar tentano il tutto per tutto per evitare che il terribile piano dei Vau N'Akat vada a buon fine.
Con l'Ammiraglio Kathryn Janeway in prigione e Asencia a piede libero e con la sua coperture intatta, tutto sembra perduto.


Primo atto

Secondo atto

Terzo atto


In questo episodio…






Versione Italiana



Gwyn: And they've lost control of their ships. And it won't stop until Starfleet destroys themselves. I am requesting your aid in our immediate assistance and help relaying this message to all our non-Federation allies. We beg you. Your transports, your freights, your shields… Anything that will slow the attack Starfleet is inflicting upon itself.
Trij: And why should I help?
Gwyn: Because in the infinite of space, everyone needs to know there is a place out there willing to accept us all, no matter how different we think we are. Without Starfleet, the Federation crumbles. And that dream dies with it. If they've ever helped you as they've helped us, then hear my words. Allies, civilians, outsiders, anyone, Starfleet needs you now…

Gwyn: There aren't enough allies in the sector to stop what's coming. ♪ ♪ There's nothing we can do. We can't warp away. We can't stop the signal. It's annihilation.



Riferimenti diretti

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Identificativi esterni

  • tt17080400, Identificativo su IMDB
  • 58813, Identificativo TV Show Transcripts
