Unnatural Selection: differenze tra le versioni

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(5 versioni intermedie di 2 utenti non mostrate)
Riga 35: Riga 35:
== Trama ==
== Trama ==

<b>Data Stellare 42494.8</b>: L'<i>Enterprise</i> riceve una chiamata di soccorso dalla <i>[[USS Lantree NCC-1837|Lantree]]</i> e subito dopo ne perde il contatto.
{{DS| 42494.8}}: L'<i>Enterprise</i> riceve una chiamata di soccorso dalla <i>[[USS Lantree NCC-1837|Lantree]]</i> e subito dopo ne perde il contatto.

La nave [[:Category:Federazione|federale]] si trova a poca distanza, perciò Picard decide di investigare.
La nave [[:Category:Federazione|federale]] si trova a poca distanza, perciò Picard decide di investigare.
Riga 42: Riga 42:

In realtà la causa può essere ricercata nella stazione di ricerche genetiche <i>[[Darwin Genetic Research Station|Darwin]]</i> del pianeta [[Gagarin IV|Gagarin IV]] da cui la nave proveniva.
In realtà la causa può essere ricercata nella stazione di ricerche genetiche <i>[[Darwin Genetic Research Station|Darwin]]</i> del pianeta [[Gagarin IV|Gagarin IV]] da cui la nave proveniva.

== Sezioni ==
== Sezioni ==
Riga 938: Riga 937:

* <code>hypertrek:db.ultimamodifica=<time datetime="2016-06-19T09:03:36">2016-06-19T09:03:36</time></code>
* <code>hypertrek:db.ultimamodifica=<time datetime="2016-06-19T09:03:36">2016-06-19T09:03:36</time></code>
* <code>wikitrek:pagine.elaborata=<time datetime="2018-04-02T21:04:41">2018-04-02T21:04:41</time></code>
* <code>wikitrek:pagine.elaborata=<time datetime="2018-04-02T21:04:41">[[HTPaginaElaboarata::2018-04-02T21:04:41]]</time></code>
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.idpagina=2587</code>
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.idpagina=[[HTPaginaID::2587]]</code>
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.tag=tng033</code>
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.tag=[[HTPaginaTag::tng033]]</code>
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.idsezione=21</code>
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.idsezione=[[HTSezioneID::21]]</code>

Riga 947: Riga 946:

[[Categoria:Pagine originariamente convertite da HT]]
[[Categoria:Pagine originariamente convertite da HT]]
[[Categoria:Episodio di The Next Generation]]
[[Categoria:Episodi di The Next Generation]]

Versione attuale delle 19:46, 27 gen 2024

Menu-tng.pngStagione 2 di The Next Generation
Numero di produzione: 133
Première americana: {{{EpisodiData USA}}}
Première italiana: {{{EpisodiData ITA}}}
Sequenza di trasmissione: 33
Prima TV USA: {{{EpisodiUSA}}}
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: 30.01.1989
Prima TV su NBC: {{{EpisodiNBC}}}
Prima TV su UPN: {{{EpisodiUPN}}}
Prima TV su Italia Uno: 13.12.1994
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: {{{EpisodiCJ}}}
Prima TV su Amazon Prime Video: {{{EpisodiAmazon}}}
Prima TV su La 7: {{{EpisodiL7}}}
Prima trasmissione sulla RAI: {{{EpisodiRAI}}}
Prima trasmissione su Tele Venezia: {{{EpisodiTLV}}}
Prima TV su Telemontecarlo: {{{EpisodiTMC}}}
Prima TV su CBS All Access: {{{EpisodiCBSAll}}}
Prima TV su Netflix: {{{EpisodiNetflix}}}
Sequenza di trasmissione su Rete Quattro: {{{EpisodiR4}}}
Codice del The Next Generation Companion: us
DVD europeo in cui è presente l'episodio: 2
VHS britannica dell'episodio: 17 (PG)
Sceneggiatura: {{{EpisodiTPY}}}
Screenplay: {{{EpisodiScreenplay}}}
Regia: Paul Lynch
Musica: Dennis McCarthy
Produttore: {{{EpisodiProduttore}}}
Coproduttore: {{{EpisodiCoproduttore}}}
Produttore esecutivo: {{{EpisodiProd.Exec.}}}
Produttore associato: {{{EpisodiProd.Assoc.}}}
Consulente esecutivo: {{{EpisodiCons.Exec.}}}
Costo di produzione: {{{EpisodiCosto}}}
Incassi al botteghino: {{{EpisodiIncassi}}}
Durata: {{{EpisodiDurata}}}
Titolo nella collana La pista delle stelle: {{{EpisodiPST}}}
Titolo italiano: Selezione innaturale
Titolo italiano scelto da Telemontecarlo: {{{EpisodiIT (TMC)}}}
Titolo spagnolo: Selección no natural
Titolo francese: Sélection contre nature
Titolo tedesco: Die jungen Greise (I vecchi giovani)
Titolo giapponese: DNA
Titolo portoghese: {{{EpisodiPT}}}
Titolo brasiliano: Seleção Artificial
Titolo afrikaans (Sudafrica): {{{EpisodiZA (af)}}}
Titolo zulu (Sudafrica): {{{EpisodiZA (zu)}}}
Sonoro: {{{EpisodiSonoro}}}
Effetti speciali: {{{EpisodiSFX}}}
Rating americano: {{{EpisodiRating USA}}}
Titolo nell'edizione italiana in DVD: {{{EpisodiDVDITA}}}
Titolo provvisorio: {{{EpisodiPRO}}}
Titolo italiano proposto dallo STIC: {{{EpisodiSTIC}}}
Data delle versioni dello script: 10.11.1988
Data delle riprese: {{{EpisodiRIP}}}
Anno della timeline: {{{EpisodiTimeline}}}

Personaggi e interpreti

Personaggi e interpreti

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< Precedente Successivo >
The Schizoid Man A Matter of Honor

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Unnatural Selection è un Episodio di The Next Generation.


Data stellare 42494.8: L'Enterprise riceve una chiamata di soccorso dalla Lantree e subito dopo ne perde il contatto.

La nave federale si trova a poca distanza, perciò Picard decide di investigare.

Sulla Lantree vengono trovati morti 26 marinai, apparentemente a causa di un invecchiamento naturale.

In realtà la causa può essere ricercata nella stazione di ricerche genetiche Darwin del pianeta Gagarin IV da cui la nave proveniva.


In questo episodio...


  • Nello script il bambino della stazione Darwin modificato geneticamente viene chiamato David.
  • Era davvero necessario distruggere la Lantree dopo che, usando il teletrasporto sono riusciti a trovare il modo di ripristinare il DNA originale delle persone affette dal virus? Se la causa della mutazione genetica sono gli anticorpi, non sarebbe bastato un irraggiamento della nave con delle radiazioni letali per gli organismi ma che mantenessero integra la nave e i suoi sistemi?
  • Nello script la data stellare dell'episodio è 42303.7.
  • Nello script il nome della dottoressa Sara Kingsley è Sara Mandel, il cui cognome ricorda quello di Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), noto per i suoi studi sull'ereditarietà genetica.
  • Nello script sono due i bambini della stazione Darwin ad essere teletrasportati sull'Enterprise: una femmina di nome Astarte e un maschio di nome David.
  • Nello script, al posto di O'Brien era prevista una certa Guardiamarina Rina, un nuovo ufficiale dell'Enterprise in servizio in sala macchine; è lei che suggerisce di usare lo shuttle come ambiente isolato per gli esami che deve condurre la Pulaski (nell'episodio il suggerimento viene da La Forge) ed è sua l'idea di usare la traccia del teletrasporto per ripristinare il DNA nei soggetti infetti (nell'episodio l'idea è di O'Brien). Nella sezione script ci sono le scene in cui compare, compresi i due episodi qui sopra descritti.


  • Picard ordina di dirigersi su Gagarin IV a curvatura 7 [T:10:11].


  • Il codice di sicurezza utilizzato da Picard per accedere alla Lantree è «omicron omicron alpha yellow daystar 2-7».


  • Quando si aprono le porte dell'hangar navette 3, sulla porta c'è l'etichetta 11|1825 e di fianco si intravede la scritta HOLOGRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT HOLODECK 2 [T:20:58].


  • È curioso che nel XXIV secolo non esistano antidolorifici contro un'infiammazione artritica. La Pulaski soffre dei dolori anche dopo essersi iniettata qualcosa con un hypospray.
  • E' quantomeno strano che su una stazione di ricerca della Federazione si svolgano esperimenti genetici, visto che sono vietati dalla fine delle Guerre Eugenetiche.
  • Il potenziamento genetico è vietato nella Federazione, però gli scienziati di Gagarin IV non solo non vengono arrestati, ma addirittura vengono lasciati sul pianeta a proseguire le loro ricerche.
  • Se per ringiovanire basta un semplice teletrasporto e un campione di DNA "giovane", perché questo sistema non viene utilizzato per assicurare l'immortalità a tutti?

Versione italiana

  • La dottoressa Kingsley dice di avere 31 anni invece dei 35 della versione originale [T:11:40].
  • Quando la dottoressa Pulaski dice «Capitano, vale la pena di rischiare», il Capitano risponde «È una decisione difficile»; nella versione originale la risposta di Picard è «There's always risk, Doctor». [T:13:57].
  • A [T:24:44] Data, dopo aver analizzato la dottoressa Pulaski sulla navetta, dice: «Sì. Le sue condizioni sono assolutamente stabili, dottoressa» e la Pulaski risponde: «Forse sono un androide anche io, Data»; nella versione originale il dialogo è: «All systems functioning within normal specifications, Doctor» «The manufacturer will be pleased to hear it».
  • Quando Data chiede alla dottoressa «Quali sono le sue condizioni?» la Pulaski risponde «Devo avere qualche circuito fuori fase», mentre in originale dice «Not exactly up to factory specs» [T:26:24].
  • La dottoressa dice «Il dolore è intollerabile, grazie», mentre in originale, al contrario, dice «The pain is tolerable» [T:26:29].


  • Nomination per l'Emmy del 1989 per la miglior acconciatura (Richard Sabre e tutto il suo gruppo).


Picard (alla dottoressa Pulaski): And, Doctor, God knows, I'm not one to discourage input, but I would appreciate it if you let me finish my sentences once in a while. [T:17:30]

Data: All systems functioning within normal specifications, Doctor.
Pulaski: The manufacturer will be pleased to hear it. [T:24:44]

Pulaski: If I live through this, I'll have a much better understanding of geriatrics. [T:38:21]

Pulaski: Scientists believe no experiment is a failure, that even a mistake advances the evolution of understanding. [T:41:04]


  • Nel teaser, al posto della scena del colloquio nell'ufficio del Capitano tra Deanna e Picard riguardo alla dottoressa Pulaski, prima che il Capitano venga convocato in plancia per la ricezione della chiamata di soccorso della Lantree c'è la seguente scena nella quale viene introdotta Rina, una nuova Guardiamarina dell'Enterprise:

        COMMANDER RIKER, GEORDI and several male crewmembers
        from Engineering are seated around a table near the
        bow ports. The center of attention is clearly the new
        Specialist Trainee, RINA, an arrestingly beautiful
        young woman.

                        ... warp drive theory always came
                        easy for me, but I'm looking
                        forward to some hands on

                        I'm sure we'll be able to
                        accommodate you.

        Rina is well aware that Riker is flirting with her,
        but she's not flattered. She concentrates on finishing
        her drink.

        Geordi, on the other hand, seems oblivious to the

                        I know what you mean. It's a
                        really electrifying experience
                        to be down there where the action
                        is. Whenever I push the drive
                        past warp six I still get a lump
                        in my throat.

        Riker takes Rina's empty glass from her hand.

                        Can I get you another?

                        Tell me Commander. Is it the
                        custom on the Enterprise for the
                        First Officer to wait on

                        If they were all like you, I'm
                        certain it would be.

                                (to Rina)
                        What's it like these days at the
                        academy? Is Tsiolkovski still
                        teaching Propulsion Theory?

                        Are you kidding? They'll have
                        to tear down the building around
                        him. The first time I saw him...

        MOVE WITH RIKER as he heads for the bar carrying two
        empty glasses. He slides them across the bar to an
        n.d. bartender.

                        Same again.

        In the b.g. we see DOCTOR KATHERINE PULASKI leave her
        table and approach Riker.

                        Good to see you, Commander. When
                        you missed your test this morning
                        we all feared the worst.

                        My apologies, Doctor. A minor
                        in Engineering.

                                (not buying it)
                        You know, a Rheinman tissue
                        sample sounds a good deal worse
                        than it is. I can assure you
                        there's no discomfort involved.

                        It's not that! It's just... my
                        duties are so diverse.
                        Suppose we leave the appointment

                        Spontaneity is the sand in the
                        clockworks of science.

                        But it's just an unimportant

        A raised eyebrow from Pulaski tells Riker this is a

                        If I didn't consider it important
                        I wouldn't insist. Don't force
                        me to relieve you of duty to make
                        my point.

                        You can't be --
                        I'll work something out. But
                        my schedule is tight for the next
                        three or four days...

                        So I see.

        They both glance toward the table where Rina and Geordi
        are still in conversation.

        BEYOND THE PORTS the stars streak toward us at warp

        Rina has a clear view.

                        Beautiful, isn't it?

        GEORDI'S POV -- He "sees" the ship's navigational
        shield as a gossamer scrim of shimmering color, and
        beyond, countless waves of energy bursting from
        exploding suns.

                        The most beautiful thing I know.

        ON RINA as she turns to face him. She's not used to
        hearing men talk like this.
  • Nello script una squadra di ricognizione formata da Riker, Worf, Data e altri due membri dell'equipaggio si teletrasporta sulla Lantree per verificare la situazione a bordo, mentre nell'episodio la ricognizione avviene collegandosi al visore della plancia. I corpi dei membri dell'equipaggio della Lantree vengono
    teletrasportati a bordo dell'Enterprise e la dottoressa Pulaski ne esegue l'autopsia.
  • Nello script Worf, a bordo della Lantree, attiva il sistema di autodistruzione della nave prima che l'Enterprise si diriga su Gagarin IV, meta dell'ultimo scalo della Lantree. Il codice di riconoscimento e autorizzazione che usa è «Codename Firestorm. Access A-D-three-three-two-four-nine».
  • Nello script Riker, nonostante il via libera di Picard, tenta comunque di impedire alla dottoressa Pulaski di prendere lo shuttle per eseguire i test su David. La dottoressa Pulaski, prontamente, lo solleva dal suo incarico, dichiarandolo non idoneo:
    He (Data) starts to board as Riker rushes into the shuttle bay.

                        Doctor, what's going on?

                        We're performing the experiment
                        aboard the shuttlecraft.

                        The captain approved this?

                        Yes. Now if you'll clear the
                        area, please; we haven't much

                        Doctor, I can't allow you to risk
                        yourself like this.
                                (to com panel)
                        Captain, this is Riker --

                        Commander Riker... that item in
                        your medical record is still
                        unresolved, if I'm not mistaken?

                        What does that...
                                (dawning realization)
                        You can't be serious.

                                (to com panel)
                        Computer, this is Chief Medical
                        Officer Pulaski.
                        I'm relieving Commander William
                        Riker from active duty for
                        medical reasons effective
                                (to Data)
                        Let's go.

        Riker is stunned. Doctor Pulaski enters the
        shuttlecraft. Data looks at Riker with a shrug. He
        follows Pulaski in and the hatch closes behind them.

                                        COMPUTER VOICE (V.O.)
                                (from com panel)
                        All personnel, clear the shuttle

        Riker jumps to the com panel.

                                (to com panel)
                        Computer -- override shuttle
                        operations! Halt departure!
                        Secure the shuttle!

                                        COMPUTER VOICE (V.O.)
                        Riker, William T. Presently on
                        inactive duty status. No command
                        All personnel, clear the shuttle

        Dismayed, Riker joins the other crewmembers moving quickly
        to the air lock.
  • L'effetto del comando della Pulaski si rivelava in una scena dello script, quando Riker cerca di accedere all'alloggio della dottoressa per cercare frammenti del suo DNA:

        Riker and Data race for Pulaski's quarters. The door
        is locked. Riker speaks to the com panel.

                                (to com panel)
                        This is an emergency! Unlock
                        Medical Officer Pulaski's

                                        COM PANEL (V.O.)
                        Riker, William T., relieved of
                        active duty on

                        Allow me, sir.
  • Quando la dottoressa Pulaski viene finalmente teletrasportata a bordo, Riker si premura di andarle incontro per riottenere la qualifica di comando:
        Everyone rushes to welcome the CMO back.

        And Riker is ready -- anxious -- to bite the bullet.

                        Doctor... I'm ready to take the
                        Rheinman test.

        Pulaski looks at him quizzically. Has she forgotten?

                        Glad you reconsidered, Commander.
                                (to com panel)
                        This is Chief Medical Officer
                        Pulaski. Commander Riker is
                        restored to active duty effective
                                (to Riker)
                        My schedule's a little tight.
                        What do you say we put it off
                        for a day or so?

        Picard is at the doorway. Pulaski catches up with him,
        and they exit together.
  • Di seguito le scene in cui compare nello script la Guardiamarina Rina e che, per il semplice motivo per cui il personaggio è stato cancellato, non compaiono nell'episodio. In alcune di queste scene Rina non ha battute, ma mostrano solo quanto l'equipaggio era interessato a lei:
            INT. ENGINEERING
       KLAXONS continue as the crew moves to alert stations.
       Geordi replaces an n.d. crewmember at the command console.
                                       RIKER (V.O.)
                               (from com panel)
                       Give us maximum warp.
                       Maximum warp, sir.
                               (to crew)
                       Let's show 'em what we've got.
       The crew springs to action. Rina is electrified.
                                       GEORDI (CONT.)
                               (to Rina)
                       Go to the backpanels and give
                       me a direct reading of the
                       dilithium temperature spread.
       Rina enters...
       And up on the catwalk, one of the crewmember is distracted
       by her; he trips, and tumbles over the railing onto
       the main deck.
       The automatic ALARM SOUNDS. Rina and several others
       rush to the man's aid. His leg is broken.
       Geordi runs in.
                       What happened?
                       My fault, sir. Missed the turn.
       Geordi looks up at the catwalk, then down at the
       crewmember. Then he looks at Rina.
                       Ensign... maybe you better stay
                       in the control room.
       Rina recoils as if she'd been slapped. But she says
       nothing. Wounded, she gets to her feet and exits.

       Riker talks to Geordi. Rina is here as well.
                       The only way we can wind up in
                       the same starfield is if you
                       bring us out of warp speed at
                       precisely the same instant as
                       the Lantree.
                       First I have to get control of
                       the her engines. Very tricky.
                       That's why we gave you the job.
                               (friendly pat)
                       Let me know as soon as you're
                       Will I be on the away team?
                               (aware of Rina)
                       Too dangerous for a valuable man
                       like you.
                       Fortunately, first officers are
       He starts out, then turns to Rina.
                                       RIKER (cont.)
                       Just in case we don't make it
                               (kisses her hand)
                       It was a pleasure.
       He exits.
       Geordi turns to the crew.
                       I'll man the bridge station.
                       Our first problem is to gain
                       control of the Lantree's drives.
                               (to Rina)
                       Come on. You'll get a chance
                       to see what the bridge is like
                       on alert.
       Her eyes widen.
       INT. BRIDGE
       The first team is on the bridge as Geordi enters,
       followed by Rina.
                       Ready to give it a try, Captain.
       Geordi sits at the console with Rina watching over his
                       First we have to download the
                       Starfleet access codes for the
                               (punches buttons)
       Not even Picard is immune to Rina's beauty.
       Rina is flattered at being noticed by the captain, but
       she's still trying to keep an eye on what Geordi is
                       Yes, sir.
                       Perhaps you'd like to take a look
                       from down here.
                               (indicates the area
                                in front of the
       Frustrated again; but she has no choice.
                       Thank you, Captain.

       Geordi approaches the maintenance table where Rina is
       working on an exotic piece of equipment about the size
       of a basketball. Two enthralled ENGINEERING CREWMEMBERS
       are watching her work.
                       Find it?
                       All set. It was the sensor
                       -- sensor contact.
                       Just like you said it would be.
                       Let's get it back in the panel
                       and do a quick line test.
                       Yes, sir!
       Rina lifts the unit off the table. The two crewmembers
       rush to help her carry it -- and the delicate device
       is knocked from Rina's hands. Geordi lunges and
       manages to catch it inches from the deck. Slowly he
       gets to his feet, trying to check his anger.
                               (to Rina)
                       Come with me.
       The embarrassed crewmembers begin packing up the test
       equipment as Rina follows Geordi into the corridor.
       Geordi and Rina are working together to re-install the
                       Running the Engineering Section
                       is no different than running the
                       drive system. I've got to keep
                       everything in balance. To get
                       maximum efficiency out of --
                       Don't bother, I've heard it all
                       before. It's not your problem,
                       anyway. It's me.
       Geordi turns and studies her. He doesn't need to "see"
       her face to read the disappointment in her voice. It
       makes what he has to say next even harder.
                       That's right. You've got plenty
                       of aptitude, but you're
                       attitude's not makin' it.
                       What do you know about my
                       attitude? How'd you like it if
                       people always behaved as if
                       you're some kind of freak?!
       Geordi finishes the installation. He closes the access
       panel a little harder than he needs to.
                               (tapping his VISOR)
                       What do you think this is? My
                       ticket to success?
       He starts past her, but she reaches out and grabs his
                               (withdraws her hand)
                       I'm... sorry. Maybe I'm the one
                       who's blind.
                       What you are is maybe the most
                       talented engineer to come out
                       of the Acadamy since... well
                       since me. Doing this job's in
                       your blood. Now all we've got
                       to do is convince the rest of
                               (extends his hand)
                               (shakes his hand)

       Geordi is studying a PADD. He's troubled. Rina senses
       something is wrong.
                       What's the it?
                               (glances up)
                       Our error rate is up nearly forty
       She looks at him squarely.
                       You mean: since I came aboard.
       She's angry. She's about to reply, but she's
       interrupted by Pulaski, who comes storming into the
       control room.
                       I need your help. I've got very
                       little time. I've got to find
                       a way to test the children, to
                       make sure they're harmless. And
                       I need a fail-safe environment.
                       The problem is, there's no area
                       on the ship that can be sealed
                       off with absolute certainty.
                       What about the Sickbay?
                               (glances at Rina)
                       Doesn't the Sickbay have
                       isolated systems?
                       The Sickbay has independant
                       systems, but it's not possible
                       to totally cut it off from the
                       rest of the ship. The only
                       truely independent environment
                       would be the shuttlecraft, or
                       something like --
                       The shuttlecraft?
                               (to Geordi)
                       Why didn't you say so?

       Picard and Riker are alone in the room, facing each
       other across the table.
           [ cut ]
       The door opens and Troi enters, followed by Geordi and
       Rina. They take their seats. Niether Picard nor Riker
       comment on Rina's presence.
                                       WESLEY (V.O.)
                               (from com panel)
                       Captain, Shuttle One is decending
                       to Gagarin Four.
                               (to com panel)
                       Thank you, Mister Crusher.
                               (to the group)
                       The medical emergency at Darwin
                       Station is ongoing. We'll
                       continue to assist, but our
                       immediate concern is the
                       evacuation of our two officers.
                       Shouldn't Kate be involved in
                       Judging from what we saw on the
                       Lantree, Doctor Pulaski may not
                       be able to help herself.
                       I suggest transporting them both
                       back to the ship. We should use
                       whatever time we have to seek
                       the best medical resources
                       The transporter won't protect
                       us. The children went through
                       the transporter and still
                       infected Doctor Pulaski.
       Geordi raps the table.
                       The bio-filter can be adjusted.
                       We could alter the filter to
                       screen out whatever it is that's
                       Precisely. We can't protect
                       ourselves against the unknown.
                       What we need is a filter that
                       isn't bio-dependent.
       They ponder. Finally,
                       What about the "trace?"
       Everyone turns to Rina, their faces reflecting degrees
       of skepticism.
                       The transporter trace?
                       The transporter keeps a computer
                       record of every transmission,
                       a footprint if you will. Usually
                       it's only stored for security
                       purposes, but if we used the
                       trace data to control the
                       reconstitution process...
                               (to Geordi)
                       Is that possible?
                       I hate to admit it, but it never
                       occured to me. All I can tell
                       you is she hasn't been wrong yet.
                       Very well. Thank you Ensign... ?

       Geordi, Rina and the crew are making preparations to
       get underway.
       Picard charges in with Data following.
       Picard moves past Geordi to Rina.
                       Ensign, I need your opinion.
                               (taken aback)
                       You said the transporter could
                       be altered to filter out changes
                       in Doctor Pulaski.
                       If we'd had the trace...
                       Well it turns out the changes
                       are in her DNA. If we used a
                       sample of the doctor's DNA --
                       say from a blood test -- that
                       was taken before --
                       Could we filter out her genetic
                       alterations? Absolutely!
                       You're picking up some bad
                       habits, Ensign, but yes, you took
                       the words right out of my mouth.
                       Can you make the modifications?
                       Of course!
                       Make it so.
       He exits with Data.
       Rina is dumbstruck. She looks at Geordi.
                       Hop to it Ensign. You've got
                       work to do.

       Geordi and Rina are walking together.
                       Looks like you'll be going to
                       your next assignment with a
                       captain's commendation in your
                       Thanks to you. And the way
                       you... see things.
                               (turns to him)
                       Tell me. When you look at me,
                       what do you see?
                       To me beauty is a constantly
                       changing thing. Sometimes people
                       have it and sometimes they don't.
                       It all depends on their energy.
                       I see your energy and it's
                       beautiful. But it comes from
                       You're the only poetic chief
                       engineer I've ever heard of.
                       And you're the most able trainee
                       I've ever met.
                               (kisses her hand)
                       To quote our first officer, "It's
                       been a pleasure."
       He looks up, but she's still holding his hand.
                       Technically, I'm off duty.
                       Technically, so am I.
       They have arrived at the entrance to her room. They
       look at each other for a moment.
                       Maybe you'd like to come in.
                       I've got a fabulous collection
                       of antique star drive drawings.
                       Sounds riveting.
       The door opens. They enter.
       As the door closes, we see her arms encircle him, and

they kiss.




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