Quante volte nel doppiaggio italiano Spock dice 'Interessante'?: differenze tra le versioni

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Versione delle 21:25, 2 apr 2018

Quante volte nel doppiaggio italiano Spock dice 'Interessante'? è un Quante volte....

Quante volte…

  1. The Corbomite Maneuver.
  2. The Corbomite Maneuver.
  3. The Corbomite Maneuver.
  4. The Corbomite Maneuver.
  5. The Man Trap.
  6. Charlie X.
  7. Dagger of the Mind.
  8. Shore Leave.
  9. The Squire of Gothos.
  10. Arena.
  11. The Return of the Archons.
  12. Space Seed.
  13. The Devil in the Dark.
  14. The City on the Edge of Forever.
  15. The City on the Edge of Forever.
  16. Operation: Annihilate!
  17. Operation: Annihilate!
  18. Operation: Annihilate!
  19. Catspaw.
  20. Catspaw.
  21. Friday's Child.
  22. Friday's Child.
  23. Amok Time.
  24. Wolf in the Fold.
  25. The Changeling.
  26. The Apple.
  27. The Apple.
  28. The Apple.
  29. The Apple.
  30. The Apple.
  31. Mirror, Mirror.
  32. Mirror, Mirror.
  33. I, Mudd
  34. I, Mudd
  35. I, Mudd
  36. I, Mudd
  37. I, Mudd
  38. The Trouble with Tribbles.
  39. Bread and Circuses
  40. Bread and Circuses
  41. Bread and Circuses
  42. Bread and Circuses
  43. Journey to Babel.
  44. Journey to Babel.
  45. The Gamesters of Triskelion.
  46. The Gamesters of Triskelion.
  47. The Gamesters of Triskelion.
  48. The Gamesters of Triskelion.
  49. The Immunity Syndrome
  50. A Piece of the Action.
  51. A Piece of the Action.
  52. A Piece of the Action.
  53. A Piece of the Action.
  54. A Piece of the Action.
  55. By Any Other Name.
  56. By Any Other Name.
  57. By Any Other Name.
  58. By Any Other Name.
  59. Return to Tomorrow.
  60. Return to Tomorrow.
  61. Patterns of Force.
  62. Patterns of Force.
  63. The Ultimate Computer.
  64. The Ultimate Computer.
  65. The Ultimate Computer.
  66. The Ultimate Computer.
  67. The Omega Glory.
  68. Spectre of the Gun.
  69. Spectre of the Gun.
  70. Spectre of the Gun.
  71. Spectre of the Gun.
  72. The Paradise Syndrome.
  73. The Enterprise Incident.
  74. And the Children Shall Lead.
  75. Spock's Brain.
  76. Spock's Brain.
  77. Spock's Brain.
  78. Spock's Brain.
  79. Is There In Truth No Beauty?.
  80. The Empath.
  81. The Empath.
  82. The Tholian Web.
  83. The Tholian Web.
  84. For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky.
  85. Day of the Dove.
  86. Day of the Dove.
  87. Plato's Stepchildren.
  88. Plato's Stepchildren.
  89. Wink of an Eye.
  90. That Which Survives.
  91. That Which Survives.
  92. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield.
  93. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield.
  94. Whom Gods Destroy.
  95. The Mark of Gideon.
  96. The Lights of Zetar.
  97. The Cloud Minders.
  98. Requiem for Methuselah.
  99. Requiem for Methuselah.
  100. Requiem for Methuselah.
  101. The Savage Curtain.
  102. All Our Yesterdays.



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