You are Cordially Invited...: differenze tra le versioni
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(4 versioni intermedie di uno stesso utente non sono mostrate) | |||
Riga 257: | Riga 257: | ||
* <code>hypertrek:db.ultimamodifica=<time datetime="2016-06-19T09:03:36">2016-06-19T09:03:36</time></code> | * <code>hypertrek:db.ultimamodifica=<time datetime="2016-06-19T09:03:36">2016-06-19T09:03:36</time></code> | ||
* <code>wikitrek:pagine.elaborata=<time datetime="2018-04-02T21:04:38">2018-04-02T21:04:38</time></code> | * <code>wikitrek:pagine.elaborata=<time datetime="2018-04-02T21:04:38">[[HTPaginaElaboarata::2018-04-02T21:04:38]]</time></code> | ||
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.idpagina=2510</code> | * <code>hypertrek:pagine.idpagina=[[HTPaginaID::2510]]</code> | ||
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.tag=dsn131</code> | * <code>hypertrek:pagine.tag=[[HTPaginaTag::dsn131]]</code> | ||
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.idsezione=1</code> | * <code>hypertrek:pagine.idsezione=[[HTSezioneID::1]]</code> | ||
* <code>hypertrek:pagine.memoryalpha=You_Are_Cordially_Invited...</code> | * <code>hypertrek:pagine.memoryalpha=[[HTMAPage::You_Are_Cordially_Invited...]]</code> | ||
Versione delle 10:45, 29 gen 2024
Numero di produzione: | 531 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 131 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 08.11.1997 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 10.12.2001 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 6.4 (PG) |
Storia: | Ronald D. Moore |
Regia: | David Livingston |
Musica: | Dennis McCarthy |
Titolo italiano: | Siete cordialmente invitati |
Titolo francese: | Vous êtes cordialement invité |
Titolo tedesco: | Klingonische Tradition |
Titolo brasiliano: | Você Está Cordialmente Convidado |
Titolo provvisorio: | Once Upon a Wedding |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 05.09.1997 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
- Alexander Rozhenko: Marc Worden
- Rom: Max Grodénchik
- Gen. Martok: John Garman Hertzler
- Sirella: Shannon Cochran
- Leeta: Chase Masterson
- Nog: Aron Eisenberg
- Manuele Atoa: Sidney Liufau
Navigatore episodi
< Precedente | Successivo > |
Sacrifice of Angels (dsn130) | Resurrection |
Modifica i dati nella pagina della entità su DataTrek
You are Cordially Invited... è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data stellare 51247.5: Il giorno del matrimonio tra Worf e Dax è finalmente arrivato, tuttavia ci sono alcuni aspetti del rituale klingon che non si confanno alla trill.
In questo episodio...
- Apprendiamo che Jadzia alloggia nella sezione 25-Alfa dell'anello abitativo.
- Apprendiamo l'età del simbionte Dax: 356 anni.
- A proposito della precedente relazione di Worf, Ira Steven Behr ha detto: «The Worf/Dax marriage should resolve the Troi question once and for all».
- Benché Dax dica che il Capitano Shelby le debba un favore, un esame della frase (e una sbirciata ai sottotitoli originali) rivela che si tratta di una persona di sesso maschile e non è quindi la Shelby vista in The Best of Both Worlds.
- La data stellare è 51247.5.
Martok: Do you have any idea how much paper-work a Supreme Commander have to do?
Sisko: You are welcome.
Bashir: There's nothing more romantic than a wedding on DS9 in Springtime.
O'Brien: When the neutrinos are in bloom.
Worf: Blood. Pain. Sacrifice. Anguish, and Death.
O'Brien: Sounds like marriage all right.
Bashir: Miles...
O'Brien: Yeah...
Bashir: It's working. I've had a vision... about the future. I can see it so clearly!
O'Brien: What is it?
Bashir: I'm gonna kill Worf... I'm gonna kill Worf...
Bashir: I'm going to kill Worf. I'm going to kill Worf. That's what I'm going to do. I can see it clearly now. I'm going to kill him...
O'Brien: Kill Worf.
Bashir: Kill Worf.
Scene tagliate
- Dopo la sigla, dopo che Kira e Dax hanno incontrato Odo, era prevista questa scena:
They [Dax e Kira] round a corner and stop short at the sight of... 7 BASHIR who's filling the Corridor outside his quarters with JUNK from around the galaxy. He's adding another armload of material to the growing mound when he sees Dax and Kira. BASHIR Can you believe this? I've spent four days doing nothing but cleaning trash out of my quarters and I'm still not finished. They peer at the odds and ends piled on the deck. DAX Who was staying in your quarters? BASHIR I don't know, but whoever he was, he lived like a pig. KIRA It was Weyoun. BASHIR (surprised) Weyoun? The Vorta? KIRA (nods) I always knew he was a bit of a packrat. I'd see him collecting little bits of junk from all over the station and taking them back to his quarters to-- BASHIR My quarters. KIRA Taking them back to your quarters to study them. DAX (examining the trash) He wasn't very discriminating about what he studied. BASHIR You should've seen the stuff I've already thrown out. Shoes, coasters, bits of string, broken bottles, power cells, picture frames, chair legs -- and there's still no end in sight. NOG'S VOICE Excuse me, sirs. They turn to see NOG coming down the Corridor pushing a cart filled with his own pile of trash, which is more foul and disgusting than Bashir's. DAX Cleaning out your quarters too? NOG Yes, sir. BASHIR (reacts to the smell) At least Weyoun was sanitary. Who was staying in yours? NOG (quietly furious) Jake. Sisko. Nog continues on his way with a murderous expression, much to the others' amusement.
- Nella caverna simulata nella holosuite, quando Worf descrive il percorso del rituale Kal'Hyah era prevista questa scena:
Sisko, Alexander, Bashir and O'Brien exchange glances, then finally sit down around the firepit as well. Worf stokes the fire, which then burns higher and brighter. WORF Concentrate on the fire... soon you will feel the pangs of hunger in your stomach... merge the two into one... begin to feel the fire burning within you. A long silent beat as they do as they're told. MARTOK Ah... I can feel the hunger already. BASHIR Me too.
- Dopo la scena in cui Dax fa una dimostrazione di forza sollevando i due bracieri, mentre pronuncia una frase rituale, era prevista questa scena:
19A INT. OPS O'Brien is yawning at his station as Bashir approaches him carrying a PADD and his Ma'Staka club (O'Brien's is resting against the console). They're both tired and weary from their all-night exertions. BASHIR (hands him PADD) Request for equipment upgrades in the Infirmary. O'Brien takes the PADD and tries to stay awake as he looks it over. BASHIR Do I look as bad as you do? O'BRIEN Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no... (yawns) no... lies. BASHIR Do we know what's on the program for tonight's feast of insomnia and discomfort? O'BRIEN You're going to love it: bloodletting. Bashir fingers his Ma'Staka club with a wistful expression. BASHIR Remember that part about... attacking the bridal couple at the end of the ceremony? Do you think we get just one shot at them or can we keep going? O'BRIEN (picks up his own club) It is a Klingon ceremony... I'd imagine that the more violent it is... the more Worf will appreciate it. They test the weight of the clubs in their hands for a moment, as they visualize the moment... then they both suddenly yawn.
- Al termine del matrimonio, dopo che Bashir e O'Brien si lanciano all'assalto coi loro Ma'Stakas, lo schermo diventa nero e si odono dei fuochi d'artificio. Nello script è riportata questa annotazione:
CUT TO BLACK. And then we hear the BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAMS and the THUDDING and CLASHING of FIGHTING mixed in with GRUNTS, YELPS of PAIN, Klingon CURSES and the sound of BREAKING GLASS.
Pagine che portano qui
Collegamenti esterni
- You are Cordially Invited..., Hypertrek
- You Are Cordially Invited..., Memory Alpha
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