Profit and Lace: differenze tra le versioni
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Versione delle 06:50, 24 gen 2024
Numero di produzione: | 547 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 147 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 09.05.1998 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 01.04.2002 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 6.12 (PG) |
Storia: | |
Regia: | Alexander Siddig |
Musica: | David Bell |
Titolo italiano: | Profitti e merletti |
Titolo francese: | Profits dans la dentelle |
Titolo tedesco: | Die Beraterin |
Titolo brasiliano: | Lucro e Luxúria |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 09.03.1998 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
- Nilva: Henry Gibson
- Brunt: Jeffrey Combs
- Rom: Max Grodénchik
- Nog: Aron Eisenberg
- Ishka: Cecily Adams
- Leeta: Chase Masterson
- Maihar'du: Tiny Ron
- Uri'Lash: Sylvain Cecile
- Grande Nagus Zek: Wallace Shawn
- Aluura: Symba Smith
Navigatore episodi
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Valiant | Time's Orphan |
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Profit and Lace è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data Stellare Sconosciuta: Il Grande Nagus Zek e Ishka arrivano su Deep Space Nine annunciando che il Grande Nagus ha emendato la legge ferengi per concedere pari opportunità alle donne.
Tuttavia, questa decisione ha gettato la società nel caos, Zek è stato deposto e la sua carica è occupata in via temporanea dal liquidatore Brunt, che assumerà la carica di Grande Nagus in via definitiva entro pochi giorni.
In questo episodio...
- Il Grande Nagus Zek emenda la Dichiarazione delle Opportunità dei Ferengi per riconoscere alle donne gli stessi diritti degli uomini.
- Il dialogo finale nell'episodio tra Quark e Aluura non è incluso nello script del CD Companion di Deep Space Nine, per il quale l'episodio termina con la battuta di Rom «No man ever gave me a ring».
- Zek, preso alla sprovvista per l'inaspettato arrivo di Nilva, presenta Quark femmina come Lumba. To lumber in inglese significa camminare con passo pesante, infatti in una scena Leeta, quando Quark le chiede cosa c'è che non va nel suo modo di camminare risponde «You're lumbering».
Aluura: But I'm always nice to you.
Quark: I think you could be nicer.
Aluura: How much nicer?
Sisko: A Dominion invasion of Ferenginar?!?!
Rom: Think of the terrible repercussions to the Alpha quadrant!
Worf: I cannot think of any.
Quark: Females?.. A «valuable resource»?
Brunt: Over my dead body!!!
Zek: If that's what it takes!
Quark: Looks like your stupidity has saved you again!
Rom: It comes in handy, sometimes.
Ishka: I hope the experience taught you something.
Quark: It made me more compassionate, more empathetic, more nurturing. I feel like I'm trapped in my worst nightmare!
Scene tagliate
48 INT. INFIRMARY Once again Rom paces the room while the Nagus waits patiently, Maihar'du standing nearby. ROM He's been in there an awfully long time. ZEK It's a delicate procedure. ROM (thinking it over) I'll say. 49 NEW ANGLE as Bashir emerges from surgery, still wearing his surgical gown. ROM Doctor -- what is it? Did something go wrong? BASHIR (thoughtful) That depends how you look at it. ZEK The operation -- was it a success? BASHIR I suppose you could say that. ZEK That's good. BASHIR (not convinced) I hope so. Bashir calls back through the doorway. BASHIR You can come out now. 50 ANOTHER ANGLE After a beat, Quark, wearing a surgical gown, steps out into the room. His lobes are smaller, more petite; his chest larger and more feminine; in short, Quark has been surgically altered to resemble a Ferengi female. ROM Brother, you look... beautiful. Quark starts WEEPING uncontrollably. BASHIR He's a little emotional... his endocrine system needs some time to adjust to its new hormonal balance. Quark WEEPS even harder. BASHIR He'll be all right in a few minutes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out how I'm going to enter this into my medical log. Bashir EXITS, leaving Zek, Rom and Maihar'du to stand there watching Quark weep. 50A CLOSE ON QUARK as he looks at his fellow Ferengi. When Quark speaks, his voice pitch wavers wildly -- from low to high and high to low. QUARK Does anyone have a handkerchief? Maihar'du tentatively hands him a handkerchief. Quark takes it gingerly and dabs his tears. QUARK Where are my clothes? I want to go back to my quarters. Zek nods to Maihar'du, who lifts up a gift box. ZEK Try this on. The Nagus opens the box and takes out a Ferengi dress which he holds up for Quark to see. Quark takes one look at the dress and starts BAWLING again. ROM Must be the wrong size. And off this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: 52 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Rom, Leeta and Maihar'du are hovering around Quark, obscuring him from view. Zek is seated to one side, watching the "preparations". (NOTE: Quark's voice continues to fluctuate between high and low, low and high.) QUARK (O.S.) (masculine voice) Oww! That hurts. LEETA Oh, don't be such a baby. They're just earrings. QUARK (O.S.) (feminine voice) They're heavy. ROM You'll get used to them. QUARK (O.S.) I hope not. LEETA Would you stop doing that. QUARK (O.S.) Doing what? LEETA Looking down. Now hold still, I'm almost done.
- Quando Quark/Lumba e Nilva si recano al bar di Quark per mangiare, al loro arrivo al tavolo nello script era presente questa annotazione e la battuta di Quark non presente nell'episodio:
61 INT. QUARK'S Quark and Nilva make their way toward a corner table. Quark tries to shield his face from the crowd, but he's unsuccessful. As Quark passes by Morn, Morn DROPS his glass in surprise. A Ferengi waiter stares mouth-agape at this clothed Ferengi female who looks suspiciously like his boss. Other customers pick up on the striking similarity. NILVA (misinterpreting all the attention) See how everyone's staring? Even aliens find a clothed Ferengi female shocking.
- Quando Nilva accompagna Quark/Lumba nel suo alloggio per il dessert, era previsto questo scambio di battute:
63A INT. NILVA'S QUARTERS The door OPENS to allow Nilva and a very nervous Quark to ENTER. NILVA Come in, come in. It's so good not to be stared at. (a beat) Although I must admit, I did find it somewhat... stimulating. QUARK You know the Replimat has very tasty desserts. NILVA Not as tasty as the one I have in mind. You have the most delicate little lobes. I think I'll start with them. 64 OMITTED 65 ANGLE ON QUARK as he realizes that he's Nilva's dessert of choice.
- Quando Brunt nell'alloggio di Nilva insiste che Lumba è un maschio, alla fine urla tutta la sua disperazione dicendo «His name's Quark!». Nello script erano presenti queste battute:
Nilva looks over at Quark, finally accepting this information. Nilva holds out his arm for Quark. NILVA (shrugging) What's in a name? Quark smiles and puts his arm through Nilva's. As he passes Brunt, Quark reaches over and softly strokes Brunt's lobes with his finger. QUARK What can I say? It was love at first sight. Brunt reacts to Quark's touch with a mixture of horror and pleasure.
- A volte nell'episodio cambia qualche parola rispetto allo script, ma nella scena che si svolge nell'alloggio di Nilva con Quark e Nilva è completamente stravolta rispetto quella riportata nello script. Ecco com'era prevista:
66 INT. NILVA'S QUARTERS Moments later. NILVA I never thought I'd find a clothed female so enticing. Nilva starts towards Quark who backs away. QUARK I'm not that enticing. What you need is a good night's sleep. Quark's back is to the wall. NILVA A little oo-mox and I'll sleep like a baby. Nilva is about to press his body against Quark's, when Quark slips out of his grasp. QUARK I hear the station has some very nice holosuites... NILVA I don't like holosuites. Nilva suddenly lunges for Quark, who leaps up off the couch and backs away. QUARK Chairman Nilva! What's gotten into you? NILVA It's my wife. She hasn't touched my lobes in months! Quark gets a table between them. They begin circling it -- first one way, then the other. QUARK I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe she's bored -- she probably needs to get out more. NILVA I don't want to talk about her. In fact, I don't want to talk at all. Nilva makes another lunge at Quark. NILVA My lobes burn for you. If you don't believe me, touch them. QUARK I'll take your word for it. NILVA You said you'd do anything for me! QUARK I lied. NILVA But I need you! QUARK No, you don't! NILVA Come to me, my little love slave. Nilva leaps over the table and grabs hold of Quark, pinning him against the wall. Quark struggles to get away.
Pagine che portano qui
Collegamenti esterni
- Profit and Lace, Hypertrek
- Profit and Lace, Memory Alpha (ricerca)
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