Personaggi ricorrenti di Voyager

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Personaggi ricorrenti di Voyager è l'elenco dei personaggi ricorrenti di Star Trek: Voyager.

Personaggi ricorrenti

Naomi Wildman (18):
Mortal Coil, Once Upon a Time, Infinite Regress, Latent Image, Bliss, Dark Frontier - Part I, Dark Frontier - Part II, [[Equinox - Part I]], Survival Instinct, Dragon's Teeth, [[The Voyager Conspiracy]], Memorial, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Fury, Shattered, Shattered, Homestead
Icheb (13):
Collective, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Imperfection, [[Nightingale]], Shattered, Shattered, Lineage, Human Error, Q2, Endgame - Part I, Endgame - Part II
Seska (13):
Parallax, Phage, Emanations, Prime Factors, State of Flux, Maneuvers, Alliances, Lifesigns, Investigations, Basics - Part I, Basics - Part II, Worst Case Scenario, Shattered
Samantha Wildman (9):
Elogium, Tattoo, Dreadnought, Deadlock, Basics - Part II, Mortal Coil, Demon, Once Upon a Time, Fury
Vorik (8):
Fair Trade, Alter Ego, Blood Fever, Day of Honor, Demon, Extreme Risk, Counterpoint, Renaissance Man
Ayala (7):
State of Flux, Cathexis, Meld, Hope and Fear, 11:59, Fury, Renaissance Man
Reginald Endicott 'Broccoli' Barclay III (7):
First Contact, Hollow Pursuits, [[The Nth Degree]], Realm of Fear, Ship in a Bottle, Genesis, Projections, Pathfinder, Life Line, Inside Man, Author, Author, Endgame - Part I, Endgame - Part II
Golwat (7):
Caretaker, Flashback, Hunters, Workforce - Part I, Workforce - Part II, Endgame - Part I, Endgame - Part II
Hogan (7):
Alliances, Meld, Investigations, Deadlock, Tuvix, Resolutions, Basics - Part II
Kashimuro Nozawa (7):
Phage, Prime Factors, Twisted, Prototype, Darkling, Demon, Workforce - Part II
Ashmore (6):
Learning Curve, Year of Hell - Part I, The Killing Game - Part I, Thirty Days, Memorial, Workforce - Part I
Azan (6):
Collective, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Fury, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Imperfection
Joseph Carey (6):
Caretaker, Parallax, Prime Factors, State of Flux, Fury, [[Friendship One]]
Michael Jonas (6):
Alliances, Threshold, Dreadnought, Lifesigns, Investigations, Worst Case Scenario
Rebi (6):
Collective, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Fury, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Imperfection
Culluh (5):
State of Flux, Maneuvers, Alliances, Basics - Part I, Basics - Part II
Mezoti (5):
Collective, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Imperfection
Owen Paris (5):
Persistence of Vision, Pathfinder, Inside Man, Author, Author, Endgame - Part II
Annika Hansen (4):
Scorpion - Part II, [[The Raven]], Dark Frontier - Part I, Dark Frontier - Part II
Erin Hansen (4):
Scorpion - Part II, [[The Raven]], Dark Frontier - Part I, Dark Frontier - Part II
Magnus Hansen (4):
Scorpion - Part II, [[The Raven]], Dark Frontier - Part I, Dark Frontier - Part II
Marie Kaplan (4):
Future's End - Part I, Future's End - Part II, Macrocosm, Unity
Kes (4):
Before and After, Scorpion - Part II, The Gift, Fury
Lang (4):
Blood Fever, Displaced, Year of Hell - Part I, Year of Hell - Part II
Michael Parsons (4):
Phage, Cathexis, Real Life, Hunters
Pablo Baytart (3):
Parturition, Investigations, The Thaw
Braxton (3):
Future's End - Part I, Future's End - Part II, [[Relativity]]
Brooks (3):
Darkling, Year of Hell - Part I, Year of Hell - Part II
Chaotica (3):
Night, Bride of Chaotica!, Shattered
Gaunt Gary (3):
The Cloud, Jetrel, Twisted
Kyoto (3):
Eye of the Needle, Twisted, Hunters
Susan Nicoletti (3):
State of Flux, The Thaw, The Swarm
Q (3):
Q-Less, Encounter at Farpoint, Hide And Q, Q Who?, Déjà Q, QPid, True Q, Tapestry, All Good Things... - Part I, All Good Things... - Part II, Death Wish, The Q and the Grey, Q2
Lon Suder (3):
Meld, Basics - Part I, Basics - Part II
Deanna Troi (3):
These Are The Voyages..., Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis, Pathfinder, Life Line, Inside Man

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