Strange Bedfellows: differenze tra le versioni
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Versione delle 21:38, 6 ott 2022
Numero di produzione: | 569 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 169 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 17.04.1999 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 02.09.2002 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 7.10 (R12) |
Storia: | Ronald D. Moore |
Regia: | René Auberjonois |
Musica: | Jay Chattaway |
Titolo italiano: | Strani compagni di letto |
Titolo francese: | Etranges partenaires |
Titolo tedesco: | Merkwürdige Bettkameraden |
Titolo brasiliano: | Estranhos Parceiros |
Titolo provvisorio: | Eclipse |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 26.01.1999 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
- Weyoun: Jeffrey Combs
- Damar: Casey Biggs
- Dukat: Marc Alaimo
- Anjohl Tennan: Marc Alaimo
- Kasidy Yates: Penny Johnson
- Kai Winn Adami: Louise Fletcher
- Gen. Martok: John Garman Hertzler
- Solbor: James Otis
- Gor: Todd Slayton
- Leader dei Fondatori: Salome Jens
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Strange Bedfellows è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data Stellare Sconosciuta: Worf e Ezri vengono trasportati a bordo di una nave jem'hadar, dove la leader dei Fondatori e Thot Gor, i leader della nuova alleanza tra il Dominio e i Breen, si preparano a firmare un trattato che porterebbe alla distruzione della Federazione e alla fine della guerra.
Damar, tuttavia, ha delle riserve, in quanto alcune concessioni riconosciute a Thot Gor potrebbero mettere Cardassia in serio pericolo.
Nel frattempo, Kai Winn e Gul Dukat stringono alleanza per la restaurazione di Bajor.
In questo episodio...
- Muore Weyoun 7 e viene attivato Weyoun 8.
- Worf ed Ezri chiariscono la loro situazione sentimentale.
- Kai Winn passa dalla parte dei Pah-wraiths.
- I nomi (provvisori o definitivi) dei primi due episodi che compongono questo arco vengono usati in astronomia per identificare la parte più chiara (Penumbra) e più scura (Umbra) dell'ombra creata da un'eclisse (Eclipse).
Ezri: I hate to say it... but this is doing wonders for my back. [T:10:02]
Ezri: You can't be serious.
Weyoun: I'm always serious. [T:14:03]
Worf: Leave me!
Ezri: Oh, shut up! [T:21:14]
Worf: You never listen!
Ezri: Look who's talking! [T:21:18]
Ezri: Worf, we're not gods of prophets, we're people. We make mistakes. [T:37:26]
Worf: It appears all we have left to do is to be executed.
Ezri: Sounds like a lazy day to me. [T:38:10]
Worf: Why should we trust you?
Damar: You can either trust me... or you can stay here and be executed.
Ezri: I vote for option one! [T:38:54]
Scene tagliate
- Nel teaser, prima della scena di apertura, era prevista la seguente scena:
1 INT. JEM'HADAR BRIDGE Continuous from the end of "Umbra." EZRI and WORF are facing WEYOUN, DAMAR and the Breen General, THOT GOR. N.D. Breen and Jem'Hadar as needed. WEYOUN Commander Worf... I hope you'll accept my deepest sympathies regarding the approaching demise of the Klingon Empire. WORF The Klingon Empire will outlive the Dominion by many centuries. WEYOUN Your loyalty to a hopeless cause is admirable. (turning his attention to Ezri) You must be Ezri Dax. My predecessors -- Weyoun Four and Five -- had a high regard for your predecessor, Jadzia. EZRI I assure you, the feeling wasn't mutual. WEYOUN How unfortunate. After all, you and I have so much in common. We're both merely individual links in a long chain. EZRI And that's where any similarity ends... WEYOUN (sighs) I hoped we could have an amicable relationship.
- Nello script originale, dopo che Ezri e Worf vengono catturati dai soldati cardassiani durante il loro tentativo di fuga, era prevista la seguente scena:
24A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 24B INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Kasidy and Kira are having drinks at a table. KASIDY ... and I've always wanted to see the mountains of Andoria. I know there's no way we're going to get away before the war's over, but after that -- I'm taking my husband on a honeymoon even if I have to kidnap him to do it. KIRA I'll help tie him up if that's what it takes. QUARK comes over to the table with a festive-looking bowl of Bajoran food. QUARK Koganka pudding. KASIDY I didn't order this. QUARK Compliments of Ranjen Surfan and his wife. (whatever) It's traditional or something. Quark looks across the room and Kasidy follows his gaze. 29C KASIDY'S POV An N.D. Ranjen and his Wife raise their glasses in silent toast. 24D RESUME Kasidy smiles and waves back at them. QUARK Enjoy. And with that, he EXITS. KIRA (smiling) Better get used to it. KASIDY (with a rueful smile) Just call me Mrs. Emissary... Do you know I've had complete strangers stop me on the Promenade and ask me to ask the Prophets to bless their children, their crops, their homes... KIRA It must be a little overwhelming. KASIDY Ridiculous is what it is. I don't talk to the Prophets -- I don't even believe in the Prophets. Immediately, Kasidy realizes what she's just said and who she's said it to. KASIDY Not that there's anything wrong with believing in the Prophets... KIRA (smiling, no offense taken) It's all right KASIDY It's just that I have my own set of beliefs. Beliefs that I was brought up with. That's why I don't feel right about what Ben is asking me to do. (off Kira's look) He wants me to stand up in front of a group of Bajoran women and ask the Prophets to give them children. Kira considers this, then offers: KIRA My father was never a religious man, but once he got married, he attended services every day because it was important to my mother. KASIDY That's very sweet... I guess I'm just afraid that if I do this for Ben -- if I start down that road -- where will it all end? I don't want to lose sight of the things I believe in. KIRA I can understand that. KASIDY I mean, didn't it bother your father to do something he didn't believe in just because your mother did? KIRA I asked him that once. You know what he told me? That that was as good a definition of marriage as he'd ever heard. Kasidy takes a moment to think about Kira's words. Just then Quark reappears with another bowl of Koganka. QUARK The Bajoran couple at table four. Quark moves off. Kasidy looks down at the plate thoughtfully, then looks up to Kira. KASIDY I love Ben... and I want to make him happy. But how much Koganka can I eat? And as Kasidy contemplates her own question --
- Dopo che Ezri e Worf, ricatturati dai cardassiani, litigano per l'ennesima volta e prima della scena in cui i due finalmente si chiariscono, era prevista la seguente scena:
35 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 36 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS A small group of N.D. Bajoran Women has gathered in Sisko's living room. They're all sitting in chairs which have been arranged for them. Sisko is standing before them and trying to put the best face on the situation. SISKO First of all, let me welcome all of you to my home. (beat) Now, I know that many of you had requested that my wife conduct today's ceremony, but-- Suddenly the door OPENS and Kasidy ENTERS. KASIDY Sorry I'm late. She walks right up to Sisko and gives him a hug. KASIDY (sotto) You owe me one. SISKO (sotto) I won't forget. Sisko steps aside and Kasidy turns to the women. KASIDY All right, let's see a show of hands -- who wants boys? CUT TO: 37 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is working at a console when O'Brien ENTERS. BASHIR You're up early today. O'BRIEN I didn't get much sleep. BASHIR Something wrong? O'Brien hesitates for a moment and Bashir realizes that something's eating at his friend. O'BRIEN It's about Ezri. And you. BASHIR I'm not sure I'm following... O'BRIEN If she does come back -- and I hope to god she does -- I don't want to see you hurt her. BASHIR (shocked) Hurt her? O'BRIEN I know you'd never do it intentionally. BASHIR Wait a minute. You make it sound like we're involved. O'BRIEN Would you like to be? Bashir tries to shrug off the question with a smile. BASHIR Are you asking my intentions, old boy? O'BRIEN I suppose I am. BASHIR She's not your daughter, Miles. O'BRIEN Well, for some reason, I feel protective of her. Maybe it's because I spent time with her family, maybe it's because I know she's had a hard time adjusting to being joined. BASHIR Do you realize that, technically speaking, she's older than both of us combined? O'BRIEN Stop avoiding the question. Are you interested in her? Bashir takes a beat, then finally admits it. BASHIR I suppose I am sort of... O'Brien considers how he wants to handle things for a beat. O'BRIEN She'd be furious if she knew that I was in here acting like her father, but what the hell. (firm) Treat her right, or you'll have to answer to me. Understood? Despite himself, Bashir finds himself feeling a bit cowed. BASHIR Yes, sir. O'BRIEN All right, then. A beat. BASHIR That was good practice. O'BRIEN For what? BASHIR For when Molly grows up. The thought is like a kick in O'Brien's stomach. O'BRIEN Oh, God. Don't even say it. O'Brien turns and EXITS, shaking his head against the inevitable. Bashir tries to go back to work, but after only a moment, his mind wanders away from the console in front of him and he sits back in his chair, thinking of...
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- Strange Bedfellows, Hypertrek
- Strange Bedfellows, Memory Alpha (ricerca)
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