Personaggi ricorrenti di Voyager
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Personaggi ricorrenti di Voyager è la lista dei personaggi ricorrenti (apparsi in almeno tre episodi) in Star Trek: Voyager elencati in ordine alfabetico.
Personaggi ricorrenti
- Alieno (8): Dark Frontier - Part II, Concerning Flight, Renaissance Man, Waking Moments, Tattoo, Night, Bride of Chaotica!, Imperfection
- Ashmore (6): Workforce - Part I, Year of Hell - Part I, The Killing Game - Part I, Learning Curve, Thirty Days, Memorial
- Ayala (7): Fury, Cathexis, Meld, State of Flux, Hope and Fear, 11:59, Renaissance Man
- Azan (6): Imperfection, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Collective, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Fury
- Borg (9): Unimatrix Zero - Part II, One, Dark Frontier - Part I, Survival Instinct, Endgame - Part I, Endgame - Part II, Collective, Dark Frontier - Part II, Unimatrix Zero - Part I
- Braxton (3): Future's End - Part I, Future's End - Part II, Relativity
- Brooks (3): Darkling, Year of Hell - Part I, Year of Hell - Part II
- Chaotica (3): Night, Bride of Chaotica!, Shattered
- Culluh (5): Maneuvers, Alliances, State of Flux, Basics - Part I, Basics - Part II
- Deanna Troi (3): Pathfinder, Life Line, Inside Man
- Erin Hansen (4): Scorpion - Part II, The Raven, Dark Frontier - Part II, Dark Frontier - Part I
- Gaunt Gary (3): The Cloud, Jetrel, Twisted
- Golwat (7): Endgame - Part II, Hunters, Workforce - Part I, Flashback, Workforce - Part II, Endgame - Part I, Caretaker
- Hirogeni (8): Tsunkatse (voy135), Hunters, Flesh and Blood - Part II, Prey, Message in a Bottle, The Killing Game - Part I, The Killing Game - Part II, Flesh and Blood - Part I
- Hogan (7): Resolutions, Meld, Investigations, Alliances, Deadlock, Tuvix (episodio), Basics - Part II
- Icheb (12): Shattered, Collective, Ashes to Ashes, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Lineage, Human Error, Imperfection, Q2 (voy165), Child's Play, Nightingale, Endgame - Part II, Endgame - Part I
- Joseph Carey (6): Caretaker, Prime Factors, State of Flux, Parallax, Fury, Friendship One
- Kashimuro Nozawa (7): Demon, Prime Factors, Twisted, Phage, Prototype, Darkling, Workforce - Part II
- Kes (4): Before and After, Scorpion - Part II, Fury, The Gift
- Klingon (3): The Killing Game - Part II, Endgame - Part I, Endgame - Part II
- Kyoto (3): Eye of the Needle, Twisted, Hunters
- Lang (langvoy) (4): Blood Fever, Displaced, Year of Hell - Part II, Year of Hell - Part I
- Lon Suder (3): Meld, Basics - Part I, Basics - Part II
- Magnus Hansen (4): Scorpion - Part II, The Raven, Dark Frontier - Part II, Dark Frontier - Part I
- Marie Kaplan (4): Future's End - Part I, Future's End - Part II, Unity, Macrocosm
- Marinaio (4): Elogium, Twisted, Memorial, Equinox - Part I
- Medico (4): Ex Post Facto, Renaissance Man, Endgame - Part II, Endgame - Part I
- Mezoti (5): Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Collective, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Imperfection
- Michael Jonas (6): Worst Case Scenario, Threshold, Dreadnought, Alliances, Investigations, Lifesigns
- Michael Parsons (4): Phage, Cathexis, Hunters, Real Life
- Naomi Wildman (17): Mortal Coil, Once Upon a Time, Latent Image, Equinox - Part I, Shattered, Homestead, Survival Instinct, Bliss, Dragon's Teeth, The Voyager Conspiracy, Infinite Regress, Dark Frontier - Part I, Memorial, Ashes to Ashes, Dark Frontier - Part II, Child's Play, Fury
- Narratrice (7): Flesh and Blood - Part II, Basics - Part II, Scorpion - Part II, Cold Fire, Year of Hell - Part II, Unimatrix Zero - Part II, Workforce - Part II
- Owen Paris (6): Endgame - Part II, Thirty Days, Pathfinder, Persistence of Vision, Inside Man, Author, Author
- Pablo Baytart (3): Parturition, Investigations, The Thaw
- Q (q) (3): Death Wish, The Q and the Grey, Q2 (voy165)
- Rebi (6): Imperfection, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Collective, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Fury
- Reginald Barclay (7): Endgame - Part I, Pathfinder, Life Line, Projections, Inside Man, Author, Author, Endgame - Part II
- Samantha Wildman (9): Demon, Elogium, Tattoo, Deadlock, Once Upon a Time, Fury, Basics - Part II, Dreadnought, Mortal Coil
- Seska (13): Shattered, Alliances, Parallax, Phage, Prime Factors, Investigations, Lifesigns, State of Flux, Basics - Part I, Emanations, Maneuvers, Worst Case Scenario, Basics - Part II
- Sette di Nove (4): Scorpion - Part II, The Raven, Dark Frontier - Part II, Dark Frontier - Part I
- Susan Nicoletti (3): State of Flux, The Thaw, The Swarm
- Tecnico (5): Good Shepherd, Friendship One, Blink of an Eye, Endgame - Part I, Endgame - Part II
- Vidiiani (3): Faces, Deadlock, Fury
- Voce del computer (79): The Raven, State of Flux, Initiations, Year of Hell - Part I, Message in a Bottle, Waking Moments, The Killing Game - Part II, Non Sequitur, Vis à Vis, The Omega Directive, Demon, One, Parturition, Hope and Fear, Drone, Extreme Risk, Once Upon a Time, Persistence of Vision, Nothing Human, Timeless, Thirty Days, Heroes and Demons, Tattoo, Counterpoint, Latent Image, Bride of Chaotica!, Dark Frontier - Part I, Maneuvers, Dark Frontier - Part II, Course: Oblivion, 11:59, Survival Instinct, Threshold, Dragon's Teeth, One Small Step, Ashes to Ashes, Child's Play, Meld, Good Shepherd, The Haunting of Deck Twelve, Fury, Phage, Cathexis, Dreadnought, Life Line, Imperfection, Drive, Investigations, Inside Man, Body and Soul, Workforce - Part I, Deadlock, Q2 (voy165), Author, Author, Natural Law, Basics - Part I, Renaissance Man, Endgame - Part I, Jetrel, Basics - Part II, Remember, The Swarm, Future's End - Part II, Learning Curve, Warlord, Alter Ego, Coda, Darkling, Projections, Displaced, Caretaker, Endgame - Part II, Worst Case Scenario, Homestead, Human Error, Repression, Day of Honor, Muse, Infinite Regress
- Vorik (8): Extreme Risk, Fair Trade, Renaissance Man, Blood Fever, Alter Ego, Day of Honor, Demon, Counterpoint
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- Q7117, Pagina della entità su DataTrek